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Journal Alerts - Thursday 10 June 2004
From Global Family Doctor - Wonca Online

Go to http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/JournalAlerts2004/Jun.htm#10 for today's alerts.
Once there, you can scroll for other alerts.

The next Journal Alerts will be sent to you on Tuesday 15 June.

Journal Watch
Cholesterol lowering with statins - which are best, and at what dose? Bandolier
Reducing weight and salt, and increasing exercise and consumption of fruits and vegetables can keep BP down Bandolier
Management of female dyspareunia BMJ
Obstetric factors that may predispose to autism identified Arch Gen Psychiatry
Barriers to the effective clinical management of patients with irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome are partly due to doctors' beliefs BMJ
Workers in coffeehouses who had environmental tobacco smoke exposure showed significant increases in respiratory symptoms and decreased pulmonary function Tobacco Control
Improving health globally and the need for primary care research - Report of the Wonca Kingston Conference Ann Fam Med

Clinical Reviews
Guillain-Barré syndrome Am Fam Physician
Management of hyponatremia Am Fam Physician

Global Daily News
Breaking news from medical news services, posted each weekday.

Coming to the 2004 Wonca Conference in Orlando 13-17 October?

See Wonca Certificate of CME/CPD in Family Medicine

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