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Journal Alerts - Tuesday 11 May 2004
From Global Family Doctor - Wonca Online

Go to http://www.globalfamilydoctor.com/JournalAlerts2004/May.htm#11 for today's alerts.
Once there, you can scroll for other alerts.

Journal Watch
Treatment with lipid-lowering agents may reduce risk of death following major noncardiac surgery JAMA
Blood pressure has increased over the past decade among US children and adolescents, partially attributable to increased prevalence of overweight JAMA
Overweight and obese school-aged children are more likely to be the victims and perpetrators of bullying behaviors than their normal-weight peers Pediatrics
Among white children, spanking frequency before age 2 is significantly and positively associated with child behavior problems at school age Pediatrics
In healthy volunteers, 1 cup fortified breakfast cereal daily significantly increased B vitamin and decreased homocysteine concentrations Am J Clin Nutrition
Graded exercise in chronic fatigue syndrome associated with improvements in physical work capacity and psychological and cognitive variables Med J Aust

Clinical Reviews
Management of obesity Med J Aust
Managing nocturia BMJ

Global Daily News
Breaking news from medical news services

Coming to the 2004 Wonca Conference in Orlando 13-17 October?

See Wonca Certificate of CME/CPD in Family Medicine

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