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我愛Bullet For My Valentine~免費聽Tears Don't Fall

我還挺喜歡聽Bullet For My Valentine的曲子,尤其是Tears Don't Fall這首~~現在網路真的很方便,都有免費體驗可以試聽或下載,有興趣的朋友可以聽聽看領取免費體驗序號!!很有共鳴唷~~



Tears Don't Fall

Let's Go

With blood shot eyes i watch you sleeping,

The warmth i feel beside me is slowly fading,

Would she hear me, if i called her name,

Would she hold me, if she knew my shame?

There's always something different going wrong,

The path i walk is in the wrong direction,

There's always someone fucking hanging on,

Can anybody help me make things better?

Your tears don't fall they crash around me,

Her conscious calls the guilty to come home,

Your tears don't fall they crash around me,

Her conscious calls the guilty to come home.

The moments died, i hear no screaming,

The visions left inside me are slowly fading,

Would she hear me, if i called her name,

Would she hold me, if she knew my shame.

There's always something different going wrong,

The path i walk is in the wrong direction,

There's always someone fucking hanging on,

Can anybody help me make things better?

Your tears don't fall they crash around me,

Her conscious calls the guilty to come home,

Your tears don't fall they crash around me,

Her conscious calls the guilty to come home.

This battered room i've seen before,

The broken bones they heal no more, no more,

With my last breath i'm choking,

Will this ever end i'm hoping,

My world is over one more time

Let's Go

Would she hear me, if i called her name,

Would she hold me, if she knew my shame.

There's always something different going wrong,

The path i walk is in the wrong direction,

There's always someone fucking hanging on,

Can anybody help me make things better?

Your tears don't fall they crash around me,

Her conscious calls the guilty to come home,

Your tears don't fall they crash around me,

Her conscious calls the guilty to come...


Your tears don't fall they crash around me,

Her conscious calls the guilty to come home.


台長: janet16277
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