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2007-09-04 14:24:42| 人氣86| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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After the challenge in 2005, I started to play seriously again…Again, I learned with a new teacher, for I need new ideology of music, as well as new criticisms on my technique. I am totally lost as usual and have to learn all the basic techniques like a new student, gee. Luckily, this time, I set no deadline for myself (maybe there’s one, in two years time I should be able to sit for the LTCL….I hope). Well the song list….same old buddies, Bach, Mozart and Brahms. If there’s choice, I’d like to replace Mozart with Beethoven, or Brahms with Chopin. Imagine how beautiful the song list will be, including the 3Bs in piano music!

My teacher is a young mother. Every time I played at her home, I’m afraid that my unpleasant “sounds” will disturb the innocent sleeping baby. So I keep my music quiet, even for the loud piece of music. Maybe I underestimated the tolerance of a baby, for he should get used to the big noise. Just wondering, will he turn out to be a critique after hearing so much unbearable music years after years, or will he simply ignore music totally when he grows up?

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Hee hee, really appreciate your sense of homour while working hard in the lesson! BRAVO!!! By the way, I have never listened to your piano playing, when will you give me a mini-concert?! :P
2007-09-08 19:35:51
haha, for you, anytime will do la
2007-09-10 11:19:52
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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