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【熱銷排行榜】Britax R-mer Child Car Seat KIDFIX SL – Black Series 省錢大作戰折扣情報



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Britax Römer Child Car Seat KIDFIX SL - Black Series 設計式樣: Storm Grey · 2019

The Britax Römer child car seat KIDFIX SL Black Series provides your little passenger with maximum safety and comfort. Equipped with the ISOFIT system it ensures a particularly easy attachment. The flexible belt straps are to be connected directly to the Isofix-anchor points in your car.

Group / weight category:

  • Group 2/3

  • Suitable for children with a body weight from 15 kg up to 36 kg

  • Age suitability: from 4 years up to 12 years

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R44/04

The new, elegant Black Series is Britax Römer's answer to the high demand for a child safety seat that features a black shell. The three-point belt offers optimum protection for your child and prevents him from falling out. The intuitive belt positioner aims at the correct positioning of the seat and prevents misuse or incorrect fastening of your child. When you drive your car and there is no child sitting in the KIDFIX SL, the child safety seat is to be connected to the ISOFIT system only and does not require an additional fixation with the 3-point belt.

The KIDFIX SL can be adapted to every developmental stage of your child and thus grows with him/ her. The backrest features a V-shape which makes your child adopt a posture that meets his current stage development and always adapts optimally to the shape of your little one. The height of both headrest and belt positioner can be adjusted so that they adapt perfectly to the body size of your child. The diagonal belt is thus guided perfectly over your child's shoulders.

The deep, high and well-padded side wings provide your child with optimum side impact protection. Due to the soft padded cover your little passenger feels comfy and safe when sitting in his/her car seat. If required, you can easily detach and wash the cover.

The Britax Römer KIDFIX SL child car seat does not only conform to the most important safety standards but also features many great and innovative designs that definitely have something for everybody. Its long service life from 4 years up to 12 years will delight you and your little one every day.


  • Black Series - black shell

  • Suitable for groups 2/3, 15-36 kg (= 4 years up to 12 years)

  • With ISOFIX and three-point-safety belt

  • Can also be installed without ISOFIX

  • Soft-Latch ISOFIT system

  • Easy and safe installation due to ISOFIT system

  • Padded side wings

  • Multiply-adjustable sitting position

  • V-shaped backrest for perfect fit

  • Height-adjustable headrest and belt positioner

  • Optimal adaption to child's development, car seat grows with child

  • Intuitive belt positioner for correct positioning of three-point-safety belt

  • Soft padded, detachable and washable cover

  • 特賣會網拍熱門商品
  • Comfortable sitting

  • Child car seat is always connected with ISOFIT-system even when not in use

  • Weight: 6,42 kg

  • Dimensions (H x W x D): 66-85 x 49 x 45 cm

  • Made in Germany




Britax R?mer Child Car Seat KIDFIX SL – Black Series





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民眾報警後,近十輛消防車趕到,亦有多輛急救車前來;王子街和大學點大道(College Point Blvd)間的羅斯福大道被封鎖,禁止車輛進入;由於事發時正值中午交通繁忙時期,一度引發法拉盛中心地段交通嚴重阻塞,幾近癱瘓。



Britax R?mer Child Car Seat KIDFIX SL – Black Series

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