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網上自學英語 找英文家教 unaccounted water losses中文意思是什麼

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unaccounted water losses中文意思是什麼

unaccounted water losses解釋


  • unaccounted: adj. 未予說明的,未予解釋清楚的。
  • water: n 1 水;雨水;露;〈常作 pl 〉 礦泉,溫泉;藥水。2 〈常 pl 〉水體;水域;水道;海;湖;河;海域;...
  • losses: 敗場

  • 10 million would go to drilling for water and regoing regrowing paster land. the other money would go to cattle producers to help them recover their losses from selling early

  • Laws of soil and water losses are bases to construct soil and water conservation forest, and are also the bases of management and development in mountainous areas 商用英文檢定 英檢初級單字 ?英文的方法

  • We systemically discussed the distribution of precipitation, dynamics of soil erosion in different land - use types, the relation between soil and water losses and some rainfall characteristics, such as rainfall amount, intensity, duration and prophase rainfall. further, rainfall erosion force was discussed and regression equations between soil and water losses and rainfall characteristics were founded

  • A preliminary study on laws of soil and water losses in gneiss, which is the main type of rocks in taihang, was carried out in this paper on the bases of examination data, survey of flood and historic statistic data

  • ( 3 ) the seasonal change of soil and water losses was evident similar to rainfall 安親班選擇 全民英檢時間 網路英文學習

    ( 3 )水土流失與降雨量一樣具有明顯的季節變化。

    unallocable expenditure, unallocate, unaccounted losses, unaccounted-for loss, unaccountedunspecified, unaccrued revenues

    unaccounted water losses中文意思是什麼
      學英文對話 線上補習班免費英聽網站 高雄英文進修 家教老師免費英聽網站 toeic 教學 初級英檢臺南英文家教鐘點費 兒童美語教學遊戲初級英文課程 托福 多益 雅思英語會話家教 全民英檢gept空中英 家教伴讀美語會話 全民英檢往 美語學習線上英語教學 全民英檢中高級初試 報名全民英檢網上自學英語 找英文家教


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