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2012-01-08 23:16:33| 人氣366| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

《【太陽草原】Russian Red - I Hate You But I Love You~~》

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老妖雜唸:Would like sharing some musics of I like, as Jazz, Blue, Romantic & Love, Country, Classical, Bossa Nova, Rock, Latin, Blues and Gospel…. music’s, happiness, passion & love with you, hopping you like it, enjoy it, and sharing this with your friends, too~~








 You were so high up on in the sky
I just keep feeling like a little child

I hate you but I love you
I just can’t take how beautiful you are
I hate to say this
But my eyes go blind
I hate you but I love you
My favorite sun becomes a healing sign
I have to tell you this
Cause my heart goes wild

Oh you are so high, lost in the sky
Everytime I travel far

I think about you by my side
To any of those I cannot go by

I hate you but I love you
I just can’t take how beautiful you are
I hate to say this
But my eyes go blind

I hate you but I love you
My favorite sun becomes a healing sign
I have to tell you this
Cause my heart goes wild

Da da da, da da da




台長: 千年老妖

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