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2011-07-20 22:57:35| 人氣163| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

《【太陽草原】Lobo – Whispers In The Wind~~》

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老妖雜唸:Would like sharing Jazz, Blue, Romantic & Love, Country, Classical, …. music’s, happiness, passion & love with you, hopping you like it, enjoy it, and sharing this with your friends, too~~

【Lobo – Whispers In The Wind】


【Lobo – Whispers In The Wind】


Like whispers in the wind
Throughout the day
Your love calls out to me
In it’s own special way
I hear your voice gently speaking to me
Those sweet sounds of love in my ear
No matter where the world may take me
I feel your love everywhere

Your whispers in the wind
Drifting on the breeze
Soothe my anxious heart
Until your here with me

I’ll rush to your open arms
As soon as the day is through
As whispers in the wind
Lead me safely home to you

台長: 千年老妖
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 【挑動情感】 |
此分類下一篇:《【太陽草原】Lobo – Reason To Believe~~》
此分類上一篇:《【太陽草原】Lobo – Yellow River~~》

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