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2009-06-09 16:05:33| 人氣1,362| 回應0 | 下一篇

The Hangout bar in Tainan

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angout bar-social outdoor activity every Sunday 每週日 contact me Sally 0916136326 18:00PM:062200172 戶外活動 Go Kart,Paintball,Paragliding,Golf,Bowling, diving,river climbing,hiking,snorkeling, hot spring,waterski,horse riding, rafting,surfing,camping,mountainbiking join us have fun! ,2009 in March FIM MOTO GP賽事 時間表 in Hangout Bar時間彈性開放,只要人數逹八人以上,我們會為您開放,以及任何球賽足球,美式橄欖球,凡看球賽者,任何啤酒買三送一唷~http://www.nfl.com/The Hangout-Sport-Progame Game Pass(NFL) if you want to watch... Let's come to Hangout! All of Beer buy 3 get 1 free!每週三本店只提供花生,注意囉,千萬吃完花生一定要把殼往地下丟唷,不然要買酒請大家喝,凡憑學生證8折優待唷~ Monday Student Night you will get 20% off ,Welcome to Hangout,join us~^^~ 本店可使用"消費券"一律九折優待唷~ 我們提供的是愉悅自在的用餐氣氛,以及口味道地的美式食物,並且不定期舉辦促銷活動和推出新產品,非常適合朋友聚會以及認識新朋友Party time and Hangout Pool competition ,you can check the Hangout blog 每個月不定時會在星期六舉辦Party活動和撞球比賽店內固定播放 Satellite TV(projector)二台超大螢幕,讓您更享受!The Hangout all of videos:http://hangoutturtlesallysally.spaces.live.com/,http://www.wretch.cc/mypage/hangoutsally,Yahoo Blog:tw.myblog.yahoo.com/hangout-tainancity,News:Birthday Party in Hangout (在本店辦生日) will for Birthday star -test tub (20根管) 贈送試管一組!凡持有Lions票根或穿著Lions T-Shirt (限棒球活動在台南) Show "Lions"ticket or T-Shirt,you will get 20% off 台灣啤酒買三送一 Taiwan Beer,buy 3 and get 1 free,很感謝大家對The Hangout Bar 的喜愛與支持,來到這裡不只來享受輕鬆,也可以參加一些戶外活動唷!  


台長: The Hangout bar-Sall
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全站分類: 運動體育(各種運動、運動情報、球迷會)

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