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gw2 power leveling Shanghai Stock Exchange stock current ma

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129859193962812500_517IPO speed too fast? SFC stance in recent days: the IPO is stopped or keeps, fast or slow, it should be is the result of market independent game, regulators will continue to adhere to market-oriented reforms, not human rhythm control issue and number. And in the just-ended Lujiazui Forum, SSE President Zhang Yujun said SSE to 2020 sharesTake 70 trillion to 80 trillion. It is learnt that the stock market for more than 20 years of development, Shanghai Stock Exchange stock current market capitalisation is only 15 trillion, three times from the target of 7 billion or 8 billion times the margin. Backed by long-term capital into expansion? SSE President Zhang Yujun said, according to the Shanghai Stock Exchange ten years of planning, to grab 70 trillion to 80 trillion in 2020 stock market value, but does notDew how to achieve the goal of 70 trillion or 80 trillion Shanghai Stock Exchange market. Markets expressed concern. Comparison of Shanghai Stock Exchange stock market capitalisation now only 15 trillion, which means the next 8 years, expand to 4.3 times in Shanghai times; the current index in the vicinity of 2,200 points, to go into the future 11,744? Long-term funds seem to be regulatory authorities hope. Recently, Q FII, provident funds, pension and other long-term funds constitute an important introduction object. According to Yonhap Infomax reported Seoul, July 1, Korea Bank said qualified foreign institutional investor (Q FII) invest the full amount of US $ 300 million into the China a-share market. This was followed in April Korea since entering the bond market in China, began to implement a comprehensive initiative. Korea investment in Chinese stock marketMain purpose of which is to expand the foreign reserves investment opportunities, risk diversification, internationalisation, etc. In December last year, our foreign exchange granted Korea Bank Q FII qualifications. Currently Korea Central Bank investment in China's a-share market will not take the form of direct operations, but entrusted to Korea asset management company with operations at home and abroad. But the second-quarter earnings, QF II in the lowest income of five bodies. Statistical data show that to enter the list of top ten shareholders calculate holds market value, and assuming the holdings remained unchanged, securities investment funds, social security, insurance agencies, Q FII, brokerages that five bodies holding market capitalization rose in the second quarter, 3.23%, 7.31%,-, and-1.37%. Rhythm of the SFC indicated that he did not control the release "issued stop is kept, should actually is the result of market independent game. Scale and pace of new issues mainly relying on market mechanisms for self-regulation gw2 power leveling. "Head of securities-related position, the SFC does not release rhythm control as an element of the work guild wars 2 power leveling, after the release of approved rhythm to be issued by the issuer and sponsorPrimary consultation. So far this year, there have been many release people due to marketing reasons choose to reduce the size of the offering, choose the release time. At the same time, the head said, reform of new issues to information disclosure-centered, strengthen market constraints, administrative regulators's assessment of the profitability of the desalination, administrative deregulation and promote market-oriented reforms is also the consensus of the community. TotalThis year, a total of 104 new listings only, compared with the first half of last year, number of listed shares fell 37.. Since implementation of the May 25 new IPO until the end of June, there have been 27 new listings only, for now, 27 new shares only, there are 13 IPOs that break, and price statistics, is in a break stateNew stock is increased to 14, break was as high as 51.85%. Markets kept fundraising "in 1998, the United States President Bill Clinton had come to Shanghai Stock Exchange visits, he formed for the Shanghai Stock Exchange eight years 800 listed companies have been surprised because the United States 100 years only 800 New York Stock Exchange listed company (now only more than more than 2,200), andThe data of Chinese listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen also rapidly expanding. 11 listed companies from 1990 to March 2012, the listed companies in China had reached 2,362, total market capitalisation of 24.4 trillion yuan (contract more than 4 trillion dollars). "Tutor of Xie baisan of Fudan University Management College (micro-blogging) with respect, regardless of the bull market is robust for a short time, is also a long history of greatFell more than a bear market (such as 2008 from 6,124 points to 1664 points), China Securities market always keeps and continuously made new shares to raise funds, and also in the listed company of the second, third, fourth movement for financing and refinancing, money through a rights issue and the issue. Said Xie baisan, in China's stock market, whether State-owned enterprises, public ownershipMain business, are also private enterprises, Chinese-foreign joint ventures, have a strong expansion of investment-hungry desire and impulse. Because of the short time from the stock market to raise funds quickly gains far exceed their proceeds through industrial, hard work for many years, and this is legitimate, no one dared to rebuke. "The IPO market has become a stinking rotten fish shrimp congregate. "ThanksBaisan pain batches currently funds on the market a lot, and had nowhere to go, in principle should be to the stock market, give the stock market a good bull. Why not, because new shares too fast. Apart from faster, but also full of new issues "minefield" and traps. In this case, saying that stocks up, hard. Institute of international business and Economics public policy chief researchSu Peike believes that at present IPO system does not achieve phased results, issuing system reform has further consolidated and accelerated the pace of vested interests profit-making. There is also a lot of mystery to be solved, it is estimated that sooner or later have changed again.

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