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gw2 power leveling jianxinrenshou with Japan post

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129859193951562500_493First 5 months of the year, life insurance premiums 2011 years since the fall of the company situation, but 6 domestic bank life insurance company's performance outshines all achieved positive growth in premium income. Among them, less than 3 years after the establishment of postal life insurance for more than $ 7.2 billion dollars in accumulated rapidly become one of the top ten life insurance premium income camp, set up nearly 5 times times jianxinrenshou premiums in less than a year.According to Wind data show that as at the end of May, in the top ten life insurance companies, cumulative premium income fell 6 insurance companies, cumulative premium income rose 4. 4 premiums rose company, postal life insurance an increase of 162.97%, for the top life insurance companies in the fastest growing, new China life insurance grew by 11.77% second place, Taiping life, Ping an life insurance growth to single digits, and 9.33% guild wars 2 power leveling, respectively. Rise of the Banking Department of the insurance company originating in early 2009, when Bank stake in insurance companies get regulatory principles agreed. By the end of 2011, the domestic total of 6 banks, life insurance companies. In the 6 banks, life insurance companies, postal life insurance is most prominent. Postal life insuranceSeptember 2009 stand out. Wind data show that from 2009 to 2011, the latest life cumulative premiums for 5.114 million, 2.03 billion yuan, 8.02 billion yuan. Over the same period, postal life insurance life insurance company's ranking in 55th place, 31st, 14th, respectively, maintained strong growth momentum gw2 power leveling. Jianxinrenshou is also doing well. Last year 7Months, China Construction Bank acquired Palic 51% stake in the establishment of jianxinrenshou, at that time, cumulative premiums Palic 390 million Yuan, ranked 38th. In May this year, CCB life accumulated premiums amounted to 2.32 billion yuan, ranked 19th. As of May this year, AC and AG-CMG, Dutch life, Jiahe life, bright sun in total premium income of 3.900 million Yuan and 640 million Yuan, 2.23 billion yuan, 2.03 billion yuan, up, 31.86%, 53.21%, respectively. Luo Qi ping an securities analyst believes that life insurance is the biggest percentage decline in banking and insurance premiums, since the China insurance regulatory Commission prohibit non-employees in banks mission to the after point of sale, insurance sales right in the Bank handAnd deposit than the pressure on the Bank, recruiting stored is of paramount importance, the Bank has a large number of higher-yielding financial products alternative insurance products. Postal life, jianxinrenshou with Japan post, CCB network advantage, network business increased relatively quickly. It is worth mentioning that, banks insurance companies outstanding performance also render the bank-insurance cooperation expansion trend. In May this year, ICBC approved master goldCheng Renshou, becomes the 7th Department of Bank life insurance company, plus BOC insurance property casualty companies, banks insurance companies expand to 8 home. (The securities times week Rainbow)

台長: GW2 Gold
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