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2005-05-13 21:30:29| 人氣117| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

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yea, it's true, yhn was my nickname.
when i first got to know the internet the first thing i tried was to chat on irc. i remembered i was at wendy's cousin's home. we thought it would be a cool idea to keep ourselves anonymous, so i looked at my keyboard and thought, ok, i'll call myself 'yhn'. and wendy did something similar and called herself qaz.

it's nice just to think abut these minute things that happened in the past.

i hadn't really thought about this name much, didn't have chance to use it anyway apart from irc. then when my friend penelope composed a song called "what though a man be money poor" i heard of a word, and suddenly clicked. just like that.

this is how the song goes....

What though a man be money poor
There's honeysuckle by the door
Peacefully perfumed lavender
And silently flows gossamer....

and this was the word that sounds so lovely and nice, Gossamer... i began using it in hotmail, yahoo, just about anything online. thus is my name.

* * *
haha.... i bumped into so many nice people today in hospital. first i bumped into a few nurses whom i haven't seen for a long time, they *all* told me i have lost so much weight! oh dear! then at breakfast i bumped into the most graceful lady in the hospital, dr. mok. she came to eat breakfast with me and counselled me on starting a new career in medicine. i wish i can be like her, so angelic. then my nurse friend from ward B3 elaine called me up to reassess my recent surgical illness (haha those who get to know this must be the most exclusive few in this world!) and in dinner time i bumped into a senior and told him about my photographs, my music, my poem writing and my composition. all in one go. and it turns out he writes pop music, ooh la la.

* * *
read some old emails that i typed. um. aren't i wonderful. period.

台長: 靜花香
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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