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矛盾的名字阿.."穎"..但是一點都不聰明@@ Style cannot be teached, most be born! 我可以替你發表?? Style cannot be teached, most be born! 矛盾的名字阿.."穎"..但是一點都不聰明@@ 沒......(詳全文)
發表時間:2006-04-14 01:22 | 人氣:66 | 回應:0
Style cannot be teached, most be born! 矛盾的名字阿.."穎"..但是一點都不聰明@@ 告訴你一個小故事吧 Style cannot be teached, most be born! 矛盾的名字阿.."穎"..但是一點都不聰明@@ ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2006-04-14 01:20 | 人氣:46 | 回應:0
穎.. Style cannot be teached, most be born! 跟一個吃素的同學討論到了 穎.. Style cannot be teached, most be born! 蚊子 穎.. Style cannot be teached, most be born! 這件事 ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2006-04-14 01:18 | 人氣:57 | 回應:0

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