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2005-04-25 15:29:06


紅色8孔馬丁大夫靴,陪伴我10年。 Dr. Martens' Classic 8 Eye Cherry Smooth Boots, you were. 巴黎倫敦墾丁春天吶喊東京曼谷吉隆坡...... 從來沒有好好保養過, 擁有的第一天就故意弄髒弄醜, 靴面...

2005-03-29 15:15:40


《龐克歐巴桑穿著紅色8孔馬汀beat-up靴:給我來件蓬蓬裙!》: 最後一句話很帥氣 http://udn.com/NEWS/READING/REA2/2584614.shtml (聯合報:談到擔任台北市駐市作家的身分,以及接續的寫作計畫,尹麗川帥氣...

2004-11-22 12:10:07

已婚男人VS. 秘密情人

『我比較有興趣當秘密情人。』 『哈哈。』她說。 飯可以亂吃,話不能亂說哩。秘密情人很痛苦ㄟ 閩大人來台灣。她的心中小鹿亂撞。《大長今》裡面的深情男人。是她喜歡的長相。我也喜歡他長得樣子。更喜歡他為...

2004-07-27 12:23:31


孤單 永遠不會好 他只會偶爾離開你一下 去玩耍 孤單 也需要休息呢 This one I took in the Roppongi Hills, an enormous architectural project. It was November, 2003. One of the dark years of lif...

2004-07-08 15:50:52


因為不滿前一個月的曼谷,下一個月就去了東京。 明明是月光一族,卻跟著貴婦去逛街。 第一次去日本。 想起年紀小的時候因為賭氣,說,我絕對不會去日本,的白嫩。 五星級飯店與四星級飯店的差別有如天堂與地獄...

2004-03-02 19:03:54



2004-02-23 15:03:27


要搬家。 因為現址被偷兒闖入。 年紀愈大,膽子愈小。 年紀輕的時候,一個人玩。 什麼話都不說,(好像)很酷。 一個人,坐飛機去巴黎。拍一扇門。 現在,一個人,不出門。 藏不住話,碎碎唸,碎碎念。...

2004-02-18 13:55:30

Panic, which is rare these days

Panicing. Came in without invitation. Fliping through my things, and took the ring that is precious to me. Strangers hide in the darkness, They watch, you. They wait, till you go out. They st...

2003-08-06 12:13:21

Let me BE

Leave me alone please. Just Let me be.

2002-11-26 00:11:34


當咖啡館掛上文化咖啡館的字招,就已經失去它的文化性質。 巴黎的雙叟咖啡館從不曾在招牌上加上『哲學咖啡館』字樣來吸引哲學家們來窩。 每個人煮出來的咖啡有自己的味道,有人說是,個性。 我的這一杯若不...

2002-11-21 19:26:14

Attracted to......

Attraction What is that? Half-eaten apple Abandoned by bugs It is not rotten It is not ugly It is a fancy Juicy tasty and Beautiful looking one Attracted to this Abandoned-half-eaten a...

2002-10-10 22:39:22

Erin the drummer boy

How shall I describe Erin the drummer boy? So I shall quote a friend's words about him. "He is multi-talented artist." That I agree totally. He is the lead vocalist of the band Milk based ...

2002-10-10 16:34:38

Kenton the Sawman

It was year 2000. The first year of Fu-long Music Festival.(福隆海洋音樂祭) Milk the band from Taizhung took the stage. Kenton was playing saw. I was on stage shooting the musician. Covering ...

2002-09-30 05:20:56

Diosa the Girl

Diosa is the girl i met from my first S.S. experience.Love what she said when we were all waiting for a girl who occupied the loo for ages. There was a long line waiting."All men are PIG," holding a P...

2002-09-21 03:07:36


堵住了。 無論如何都弄不成篇章。 這書寫,恁是難, 明明就在那裡,卻總是出不來。 只好 怪罪你。 你害我在這麼深的夜掛在這裡睡不得, 你害我前刻歡喜下刻哀傷, 你害我不時打開ICQ看你在不在, 你害我...

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