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線上英文教學 免費 1對1英文家教 torsion meter中文意思是什麼

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    購物英文對話 一生必學的英文文法國文家教 全民英? 全民英檢高級初試英文會話家教 學習語言英檢初級成績查詢 補英語如何學習英語 語文訓練中心免費英文學習網 英文家教怎麼教英檢中級單字 線上日語 網路學習新竹英語補習班 學英文推薦 英文 旅遊



torsion meter中文意思是什麼

torsion meter解釋


  • torsion: n. 扭轉;扭(轉)力;【物理學】扭(力)矩,轉(力)矩;【醫學】捩轉。 torsion pairing 扭曲配對。
  • meter: n. 1. 測量儀表,計量器;計,表。2. 計量人;計量官。vt. 用表計算[測量、記錄]。n. 〈美國〉= metre.

  • 09999 voltmeter, ammeter, power meter, frequency meter 一對一英文家教費用 免費 英文線上學習 學語言

  • The pointer of the ampere-hour meter moves from zero to two and goes back to zero again.

  • The first power station of jinping mountain lies in the west section of the yanglongjiang river from santan to shoupagou gully, with a double - curved arch dam of 305 - meter height and a normal water storage of 1880metres. the exposed strata of the damsite are marbles and arenaceous rocks of triassic and solution fissures have been developed in the marbles of the left - bank ' s dam abutment, and they have become a stratum of strong leakage. as a result, it has been an important problem for the dam foundation to stop leakage

  • Our company relay on abundant technique, advanced produce appliance and modern managerment mode, our products have good quality and function. the company has been iso9001 : 2000 quality system sgrant can b015 - q : 15 03q5439r10, has international facture calculate appliance s lisense cmc zhejiang province 02810232. the company alse strictly produce, sale and service according to the quality system. main products : almighty putin intelligent temperature control meter xmt - 808, can put through the computer and has the appearance, program intelligent industries adjustment meter, record meter, a series of temperature and humidity controller xmt - 9007, voltage adjustment instruments zk - 1, zk - 3, all kings of temperature sensors, time relays, lcd and so on. wide make use of the plastics, packing, printing, house electric appliance and some other machine field. also include the textile printing, chemical engineering sprint, dyeing, baccy, even, air conditioner, make cold and etc. field. has variety of products, all standards and directly sales to internal and international market

    主要產品有萬能輸入型智能溫度控制儀表xmt808 ,具有計算機通訊介面及界面可編程智能工業控制儀記錄儀,溫濕度控制儀表xmt9007整套,電壓調整器zk - 1 zk - 3 ,各類溫度傳感器,時間繼電器,液晶顯示儀表等產品品種多,規格全,真接銷往國內及國際市場,廣泛應用於塑料包裝食品印刷家電等機械行業和輕紡化工印染煙草烘箱空調製冷等領域。
  • Grounding of working platform, searing - iron, lead - cutting machine, stannum oven or auto refluence soldering equipment, must be led into earth at least 1 meter deep by thick iron cord, and fasten a big iron dollop at the end of iron cord

    全民英檢中高級考試時間 全民英檢考試時間 當用化學品清洗膠體時必須特別小心,因為有些化學品對膠體表面有損傷並引起褪色如三氯乙烯丙酮等。可用乙醇擦拭浸漬,時間在常溫下不超過3分鐘。

    torsion, torsion balance, torsion bar, torsion pendulum, torsional, torsional moment

    torsion meter中文意思是什麼
      線上英文教學 免費 1對1英文家教英文家教外籍老師 商業英語對話 台北家教行情線上學英語 英文up學 toeic補習班學英文的好方法 德文家教行情線上英文補習 找家教英文考試 ielts 多益線上課程學英文書 臺中英文家教行情 英文培訓外籍 英文 伴讀 旅遊英文書台北英文補習班推薦 全民英檢中級試題下載英語教學中心 日常 英文


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