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<<<<About Schmidt>>>>>

gold sentences
life is short and i can't afford to waste another minute.
all of a sudden you are taking an interest in what i do

some phrases

1. dilly-dally vi遊手好閒
2. pyramid scheme 金字塔計畫,老鼠會的收錢方式
3. raise their eyebrows 產生懷疑(當某人產生懷疑,他們會將眉毛提高)
4. breast-feed 餵母乳
5. the big scheme of things 人生中的大事
6. all of a sudden 突然間
7. take an interest in sth 對sth產生興趣
8. have a seat 請坐下
9. think much at sb 對某人期望很多
10. sth is expired 某物過期了
11. late wife 剛過世的老婆
12. imminent marriage 即將到來的婚姻
13. gather together 聚在一起
14. put feelings in words 將心情寫下來
15. no matter = regardless of = despite +N (不管~~,介係詞)
16, penetrating vocie 有穿透力,滲透力的聲音

<<<<Good Boys>>>>>
Gold sentence

1.going to the dogs 破壞殆盡
=to become ruined; to destroy completely
ex:My neighborhood used to be safe but now that the drug dealers have
come, it's going to the dogs.

2.Sit,Speak,play dead 對狗狗的命令

3.to straighten up 糾正錯誤行為
=to correct oneself but stopping bad habits
ex: My mom told me that until I straighten up and made better grades
at school, I can't play computer games.

4.great grandfather 曾祖父
=This is what you call your parents' grandfather. By adding the
word 'great' in front of a family name, one generation is added.

5.out of this world 驚喜的,令人震驚的
=incredible. Amazing
ex: The new rollar coaster is out of this world

6.hold up 等待
= casual expression for 'wait'

7.poop and poo 便便
=these are children's words for excrement (aka shit)
Note: Be happy I didn't include a picture.(沒附上照片)

8.take off 飛跳

<<<<<<Fahrenheit 911>>>>>>


1.to ground
=to keep an airplane (or other flying vehicle) from flying (i.e.
keep it on the ground) - usually for a safety reason such as
technical/mechanical problems or bad weather
ex:All the planes at the airport were grounded because of the snow storm.

2.hold a conference 舉辦會議

3. to enlist 參與
=to join, enroll, or sign up
Ex: Many young men enlisted in the army to fight against the Nazis
in World War II.

4.middle of the night 半夜
= an expression that means very late at night; usually after midnight
(for example, 1am, 2am, 3am, etc)

5. let the eagle soar
Note: A patriotic song that is sometimes sung in the United States.

6.base 基礎
= a supporting part or layer; a foundation
Ex: My grandmother has a great base of friends. There is always
someone to help her when she has a problem.

7. elite 社會菁英
= the best; A group or class of persons or a member of such a group
or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status
Ex: Only elite lawyers work at that law office. They never lose a

8.haves 有錢有權的人
Note: an expression meaning people with a lot of money and power

9.terrorist killers 恐怖份子
= terrorists, or people who are intent on killing others

10. drive 高爾夫球的第一桿
= the first golf shot of every hole; usually done with a driver, or
1 wood
Ex: His drive landed 320 yards down the course - just 10 yards from
the hole.

11.front lines 戰爭前線
= refers to the most forward part of a war, or where the war is
being fought

<<<<Bourne Supremacy=至高無上>>>>>

1. to walk away the past 遠離過去
= to quit something; to leave something behind
Ex: One morning he realized that if he continued his current job,
he would never be happy. So he decided to walk away from his
current life and start a new one.

2.sb is be blown 被發現藏身處-秘密被發現
= when someone is hiding or has a important information that one
shouldn't have, to be blown means to have someone discover your
hiding place or that you know the information
Ex:I told my boss I was sick on Thursday and Friday because I wanted
to go to Las Vegas for a long weekend. Unfortunately, my story
was blown as soon as I walked on the airplane because his
daughter, a flight attendant, saw me!

3.on the grid 在水電供應的範圍內
= to be on the grid means to be at a place that is covered, serviced
or watched by a group such as the government or power company. To
be off the grid means that you are isolated and independent
Note: Often, on the grid is used to describe an area that has
electricity and running water. Off the grid means to be in
an area that does not have electricity and running water.
Ex: Because our house was off the grid, we use solar power.

4.to your doorstep 在你家門口
Note: this phrase means that something is very close to where one
lives or works
Ex: Even though it was inconvenient for her, my friend drove me
all the way to my doorstep so I wouldn't get wet in the rain.

5.play one's game 陪某人玩某種遊戲(此遊戲是指把戲)

1. freak out 嚇壞了
Ex: I freaked out when my parents told me they were getting a divorce

2.Use your head 用你的腦袋想想,用你的頭(雙關語)
Note: Yet another joke! Usually to use your head means to think about something (like a problem) and find an answer. Here, the physically use the dinosaurs head to break open the vent.

3.road kill 車禍致死
Definition: dead animals that were hit by cars

4.potato=spud 馬鈴薯
ex: mashed potato

5.desperate 急迫的,不擇手段
=involving extreme measures in an attempt to escape defeat or frustration
Ex: After my friend was unemployed for 6 months, he was desperate for
any kind of work just so he could pay his rent.


7.sb busy oneself with sth 某人忙於某事

8. unsympathetic 不關心的
=to be uncaring, cold or indifferent towards someone else
Ex: I was unsympathetic to my friend when she broke one of her
fingernails. I just lost my job!

9.draw plan against 計畫某事違背某人

10.I would not call myself his friend if I were not to save him

<<<Starshy and Hutch>>>>
1. do everthing by the book 凡事都按照規矩的人
2. take on sth 作某事(通常是有難度的事情)
3. sb have a thing for sth 總是對某事有特殊嗜好
= (slang) to really like something
Ex: Wes has always had a thing for Asian women.

4.pony 小馬

5.cub 小動物

6.perm 捲髮

7.grown-ups talks成人的談話

8. Look what the wind blew in 看看誰來了!
=this is a casual expression used when you see someone unexpectedly

9.bellybutton 肚臍


11.eureka 太棒了
Note: Used to express triumph upon finding or discovering something.

<<< Open water-開放海域--連結海洋的海域>>>>

1.intensely frightening 很可怕的
2.fry one's nerves to frazzles 嚇到瞠目結舌
3.harrow 使痛苦,harrowing令人痛苦的

<<< Signs--靈異象限>>>>

1. read one's monds 讀出某人心意
2. station 電視台
ex: on every station
3. ground forces 地面武裝
ex: miltary that travel by land (i.e. army/ soldiers/ tanks)
4.to probe 窺探
=secretly investigate and obtain information on a unknown region
Ex: The spy was probing around trying to learn our company's secrets.
5. end of the world 世界末日
6. war of the worlds 世界大戰 (attack earth 外星人攻擊地球)
7. all clear 安全,警報解除
ex:safe from danger

<<<< Once upon a time in Mexico>>>>

1. Can you dig it?你能瞭解且欣賞嗎
= This is equal to saying 'Can you appreciate how great it is?
or 'Can you understand and appreciate it?' This expression is
very casual.

2. I can dig it 我可以瞭解且認同
= This is equal to saying 'I think this is great.' or 'I
understand and appreciate it.'

3. to play both sides 雙面間諜
Note: This expression is used when someone is taking advantage of two opposing sides. In this case, the agent Sands is trying to profit from both the good guys (CIA) and the bad guys (the drug cartel kingpin).

4.my beat 控制範圍
Note: 'Beat' is slang in this case for area of control or base area

5. out to find 目的就是要尋找
Note: 'Out to find' refers to having the goal of finding something

=a fugitive from the law. A habitual criminal
Ex: In old American cowboy movies, the sheriff is always trying
to catch the outlaws.

7.renegade 背叛者

8. predator 入侵者

<<<< Kitchen stories>>>>

1.build trust with sb 與某人建立信任

2. unobtrusively 唐突的,不引人注意的
= not noticeable or in the way
Ex:I unobtrusively parked the car so it wouldn't block anybody else.
collect data unobtrusively

3. interference 妨礙
=something that prevents, obstructs, or gets in the way
Ex: There was some kind of interference that made the satellite
television picture poor.
observe without inference

4. oddball 奇怪的
= something regarded as eccentric or strange
Ex: He's a real oddball. Sometimes he's really funny, but other times
he's too strange.

5. sanctity 神聖的
= something considered sacred; something having ultimate importance
ex; for the sanctity of the study, never become friends.

= usually a great work of art; something done extremely well
Ex: DiVinci's masterpieces are displayed in art galleries all around
the world.

7.heartfelt (adj)衷心的

8.rave 大力讚揚

<<<< Something gotten give >>>>

1.intruder 入侵者

2. What are you doing with this guy?
Note: This is said in a negative way.
--> This man is bad for you. Why are you together?

3.to encounter
= to meet someone or something, especially in an unplanned, unexpected
, or brief way
Ex: On my way home, I encountered a strange man. Fortunately, there
was a police officer near by.

4.a flight of stairs 一樓的階梯

5.feel unglued 覺得心煩意亂

6.beat them away with a stick 很多人追求
= this expression means to be so popular or attractive that one
constantly being asked out for dates

7. wonemn your age

8. rule of thumb 經驗法則
= a usefule guide than has a wide application but not very accurate

9.to hold one's liquor 很會喝酒
Definition: --> to be able to drink a lot of alcohol, but not get drunk
Note: Opposite: --> can't hold one's liqour


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