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2008-03-30 16:16:01 | 人氣74| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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All day long I dream about sex

So you wanna be a rockstar
Keep it going, don't stop
Work it while you're on top, call the cops

Rollercoaster riding, baby
Up and down
I love to watch you do it

I just want to get close to you
Find out what it takes to move you

Feel the rhythm, hit the spot, getting hot
All night long

All day long I dream about sex
And all night long I think about sex
And all the time I think about sex with you, with you
All day long I dream about sex
And all night long I think about sex
And all the time I think about sex with you, with you

Keep in mind, I'm a love machine
Get it twenty four seven, call me any time you need

Some extra attention, did I forget to mention
School's back in session, get ready for a lesson

I just want to feel alive
And do what it takes to satisfy you

Hour after hour baby
All night long with you

All day long I dream about sex
And all night long I think about sex
And all the time I think about sex with you, with you
All day long I dream about sex
And all night long I think about sex
And all the time I think about sex with you, with you

All day long I dream about sex
And all night long I think about sex
And all the time I think about sex with you, with you
All day long I dream about sex
And all night long I think about sex
And all the time I think about sex with you, with you

All day long I dream about sex
And all night long I think about sex
And all the time I think about sex with you, with you
All day long I dream about sex
And all night long I think about sex
And all the time I think about sex with you, with you

All day long I dream about sex
And all night long I think about sex
And all the time I think about sex with you, with you
All day long I dream about sex
And all night long I think about sex
And all the time I think about sex with you, with you

台長: Dymond
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