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Friendship Express

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you know, it amazes me
that you've heard it all,
but you still don't mind hearing it again.
That you'll let me talk and talk and talk
till I find my way through
to a new perspective.

It's pretty cool how you always seem to know
when I need a hug and when I need a kick on the butt...
and you're not afraid to give me either one.

Few people in my life are able to see my good side
and tolerate my quirks the way you do...

So my friend who's heard it all,
hear this...
I love and appreciate you.
I'm glad you're authentic with me.
And I hope you won't mind
hearing all that
again and agin and again...

台長: Serenity
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全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然)

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