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2004-03-04 16:40:18| 人氣19| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

my name

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今天alfonso在網頁上 放上我大大的名字
today without any precautions, i found my name on my webpage

我看的心驚膽跳 想都不想 就直覺得說 很醜 很難看
it's like a horrible movie,
so instinctly i yelled "its ugly, without class"

聽的alfonso還蠻難過的 覺得自己的美意又被蹧蹋
alfonso was sad, cuz his "compliment" became "trash" again

我的名字筆劃很多 又很難唸 小時後頗自悲
its hard to write my name and also hard to pronounce it
i felt always embarssed when i was little

i think its one the many reasons that i couldnt get a boyfriend^^

男生聽到 都會跟尷尬的說聲 喔 好難喔
cuz when the guys hear my name
they always have the "awkward" face and say
"oh it's hard"

tthe pic is when we just met

仿照word裡面我寫的名字 沒教他如何寫
alfonso imitated from the word file i sent him
i didnt teach him how to write

他就主動寫的喔 他還說YiYi 的感覺很可愛 像在長大的小草
but he wrote it on his will
he even said "YiYi" is like the growing grass

我聽的還蠻感動的 也對名字有點信心了
^^it was really sweet and moving to say that
i felt proud for my name a little

不過放上大大的3個字 我想還是不太好吧
however the big 3 words on the page...
still not a good idea
we will find a way to resolve this "problem"

台長: 尚未設定
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