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2005-06-02 01:18:59| 人氣40| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Yosemite 2005 (overture)

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I know I am being lazy those days – no update about my life, sorry, sorry and sorry. Here are my excuses: I have no Chinese word processor at work, writing in English is difficult. :-p I devoted myself to this 50-episode Taiwanese drama called “Beauty 99” (sounds really lame, doesn’t it?) full time after work, and by the time I finish 4 or 5 episodes it always pasts my bed time so I have to call it a day. :-) Finally, I finished episode number 38 last night, I am getting there!! But before people forget, I should write something to remind them that they do have a friend named Denise.

Anyone interested in this stupid-but-I-am-really-into-it drama? I guess not. So I will skip the story telling part. There is this very cute character that I really like, he is nice, cute, considerate, matured and so knowledgeable, but unfortunately he passed away in an accident on episode # 10, too bad.

Recently I have been chocoholic too and I blamed Trader Joe’s for that. My new findings in Trader Joe’s are that only do they offer various chocolate varieties but also with lovely price tags. I baked chocolate-related desserts all the time. Chocolate chips cookies, chocolate flavored toffee bites ….. Just when I was about to worry that I’ll gain some weight, the memorial weekend came. My strenuous hiking and other activities in Yosemite saved my body and life. :-) Not to mention the great time we had in the valley, the laughter, the nice conversations, and the stupid things we did. Oh, there’s also one important part about a little boy’s true wonder, I guess a 5-year-old would never lie. :-)

That’s the overture before I start writing my Yosemite trip.

p.s On our way to Yosemite the traffic was really bad, but the cute girls who were going camping in Lake XXX certainly gave us some entertainment. Victor was drooling on them. :-)

台長: citylights
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