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Paris Food Tour: Bustronomy Gourmet Tour of Paris

The experience:
See the sights of Paris on a unique 2.5-hour food tour, traveling by restaurant style gourmet bus.
Enjoy fine French cuisine aboard a double-decker bus and take in awe-inspiring views of the city』s monuments, such as the Arc de Triomphe and Eiffel Tower.
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- Starting Time:12:00pm、7:00pm
- Meeting Point:2 Avenue Kleber 75016 Paris, Place Charles de Gaulle Etoile at the intersection of Kleber Avenue in front of the "Arc de Triomphe"
- Time duration:2.5 hours
- Mobile Voucher Accepted

- What You'll Do -

# Tour the streets of Paris on board a restaurant style gourmet bus
# Feast from a 4 or 6-course creative menu
# Enjoy views of the monuments of Paris from the glass terrace
# Experience the friendly service of a typical Parisian bistro

- What to Expect -

Climb aboard an incredible glass-roofed double-decker bus for an unforgettable food tour of the world』s most romantic city, and take the leap from 「Bistronomy」 to 「Bustronomy」 as you explore Paris while feasting from a menu created by master chef Vincent Thiesse.

Once on board the luxury bus, enjoy restaurant style service that combines the simplicity and friendliness of a typical Parisian bistro with breathtaking views of architectural treasures along the way. Sit back and enjoy the carefully selected background music, and relax on the panoramic terrace, with 360-degree views of the 「City of Lights.」

Vincent has adapted his culinary vision to the unique environment, and the seasonal menu includes a 4-course lunch of a starter with a flute of Champagne, a fish course paired with a glass of white wine, a meat course paired with a glass of red wine, dessert, coffee and tea, and a half bottle of mineral or sparkling water. The 6-course dinner menu adds on an appetizer with a flute of Champagne and a cheese platter.

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< type='text/javascript'> kkdayad.coll.push({ id: 'div-gpt-ad-1487756896334-4', kkdayStyleId: 4 });


- Starting Time:12:00pm、7:00pm
- Meeting Point:2 Avenue Kleber 75016 Paris, Place Charles de Gaulle Etoile at the intersection of Kleber Avenue in front of the "Arc de Triomphe"
- Time duration:2.5 hours
- Mobile Voucher Accepted

- What You'll Do -

# Tour the streets of Paris on board a restaurant style gourmet bus
# Feast from a 4 or 6-course creative menu
# Enjoy views of the monuments of Paris from the glass terrace
# Experience the friendly service of a typical Parisian bistro

- What to Expect -

Climb aboard an incredible glass-roofed double-decker bus for an unforgettable food tour of the world』s most romantic city, and take the leap from 「Bistronomy」 to 「Bustronomy」 as you explore Paris while feasting from a menu created by master chef Vincent Thiesse.

Once on board the luxury bus, enjoy restaurant style service that combines the simplicity and friendliness of a typical Parisian bistro with breathtaking views of architectural treasures along the way. Sit back and enjoy the carefully selected background music, and relax on the panoramic terrace, with 360-degree views of the 「City of Lights.」

Vincent has adapted his culinary vision to the unique environment, and the seasonal menu includes a 4-course lunch of a starter with a flute of Champagne, a fish course paired with a glass of white wine, a meat course paired with a glass of red wine, dessert, coffee and tea, and a half bottle of mineral or sparkling water. The 6-course dinner menu adds on an appetizer with a flute of Champagne and a cheese platter.

台長: darrelp2qsm6
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