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【本月刷卡優惠】Inglesina Child Car Seat Newton 1.2.3 IFIX 網路購物熱賣商品


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Inglesina Child Car Seat Newton 1.2.3 IFIX 設計式樣: Grau · 2019

The Inglesina child car seat Newton 1.2.3 IFIX grows with your child and is perfect for transporting little passengers in cars with Isofix and top tether fittings. This feature which adds on twice the safety makes car rides particularly safe and comfortable through many years.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 2/3

  • Suitable for children weighing from 9 kg to 36 kg

  • Usable from 1 year to 12 years

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R44/04

The anatomically shaped seat which comes with a soft foam padding can be adjusted in four different levels and thus supplies your child with highest comfort particularly on long rides. The sleeping position can be set single-handedly and without waking or disturbing your child.

The soft headrest pad features a slightly angled shape which makes the car seat particularly comfortable for younger children of group 1, because it prevents your little one's head from tilting forwards during sleep and thus guarantees a higher level of safety. Furthermore, it can be adjusted in nine different height levels so that is adapts perfectly to the size of your growing child. The extensive side impact protection of the Newton 1.2.3 IFIX provides optimum protection in case of a side impact and leaves you as parents feeling safe and reassured on any ride in your car.

When the Newton 1.2.3 IFIX is used as a group 1 (9 - 18 kg) child car seat, you have to fasten your child with the integrated five-point harness. In order to gain a safe and solid connection of the car seat with the body of your car, both Isofix hooks and well as the top tether integrated in the car seat have to be used.

Installing the Newton 1.2.3 IFIX as a group 2/3 (15 to 36 kg) car seat is done with or without using the Isofix hooks in your car. Either way, you child has to be fastened with your car's own seat belt. For that, you have to remove the five-point harness integrated in the Newton beforehand.

In order to guarantee optimum air circulation, the backrest of the Newton 1.2.3 IFIX has been equipped with 116 air slots. The cover can be removed and washed by hand at 30°C.


  • Age suitability: from 1 year to 12 years

  • Group 2/3

  • ECE R44/04

  • Group 1 configuration (9 - 18 kg): five-point harness for fastening child, attachment of car seat to car's body by using Isofix and Top Tether

  • Group 2/3 configuration (15 - 36 kg): installation in car with or without Isofix - in either case, the chid must be fastened with car's own three-point belt

  • 9-fold adjustable headrest (4-fold adjustable in group 1 and 5 fold-adjustable in group 2/3)

  • Large, embracing headrest pad with slightly angled shape for prevents child's head from tilting forwards during sleep

  • Side Head Protection technology and ESP inserts for increased energy absorption in case of side impact

  • Ergonomically shapes seat with foam padding

  • Backrest with 116 air slots for improved ventilation
  • 最新出版首選

  • Removable cover can be washed by hand at 30°C

  • 特價產品經典產品
  • Child car seat for forward facing mode only

  • Size: 45 x 62 - 81 x 58 cm (Width x Height x Depth)

  • Weight: 11 kg網路購物熱賣商品




Inglesina Child Car Seat Newton 1.2.3 IFIX





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李長榮集團旗下電解銅箔供應商榮科 (4989-TW) 今 (28) 日以每股 24.8 元上市掛牌,盤中漲幅逾 35%,榮科的蜜月行情,卻無法帶動同類股的金居開發 (8358-TW) 走勢,金居盤中維持在 40.35 元的平盤附近遊走。

榮科的去年獲利亮眼,稅後純益 5.99 億元,年增 47.25%,每股純益 4.28 元。榮科總經理陳銘樹指出,榮科已完成開發汽車防撞雷達用銅箔產品,預計全年汽車應用營收比重,將由去年 30% 提升到 35%。

榮科去年營收 37.74 億元,依產品應用端來看,比重最高是汽車應用 30%,光電板 14%,NB 板 13%,HDI 板占 13%,伺服器板占 12%,手機板占 12%,消費性電子占 6%。

榮科主要產品為高良率利基型銅箔,每月產量 1000 噸,去年銷售量約 1.1 萬噸,銷售應用電動車鋰電池製程占營收約 3-4 成,其他並應用於 PCB 上游銅箔基板生產;該公司今年並將以生產去瓶頸他方式小幅擴張產能。

榮科今年首季營收 8.87 億元,毛利率 19.02%,季減 1.31 個百分點,年減 12.83%,稅後純益 9893 萬元,季減 21.65%,年減 54.88%,每股純益為 0.71 元。


7/11(三)「2018 區塊鏈的落地應用」


Inglesina Child Car Seat Newton 1.2.3 IFIX

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?推薦, Inglesina Child Car Seat Newton 1.2.3 IFIX

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台長: cwkeiw84ymgk
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