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2004-05-04 21:35:32| 人氣48| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

graduated mentor mentee scheme orientation

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last night was the graduated mentor mentee scheme orientation organized by my department lei, so surprised it was so "macro", i was assigned to be the photographer, pretty fun to walk around n take pic la, haha. i also gotto talk more w/ winnie, she really changed a lot, talkative more lei!

so unhappy to sit in my table law, while all the other tables got so many ppl n mentors!! mine got only 4 girls from our class, n the 10 yr older mentor was really boring la, n also so inconsiderate, just talked w/ the yr 3 big head man at the far end of the table, i could hardly hear wt they said law, how could i join their discussion lei!!!

so unhappy law, while watching all the other tables hv so much laughter n chats, dun un y i 'd put in tis table law, all the girls said they r not planning to do swker??? that's y the mentor was a custom officer instead???

most of the mentors in other tables were not so old la, can chat more freely n at least no gen. gap, mine 's probably the oldest mentor in last night law, riok......

i really wanna join pig's table law, i really wanna choose abc as my career if possible, 2 bad now i can't even help in the camps law, so unhappy law, that kk is so gender stereotyped, most hate tis kind of guy!!! really wanna cry law no matters how many times i asked (beg?) him to tell me the trick of the rope, he obviously was playing la, no heart to tell me the truth at all!!!

after the orientation, i sat on the coach in blue zone w/ fish lei, surprised to know that zac 's leaving today, ng....... but that's great can hv an american bf for 1 1/2 month la, even thou i 'd not choose zac kind of guy, haha, i 'd just envy ppl, even thou that's not my cup of tea, haha!!

then anita joined me chat lei, haha, so nice that we chat n chat n end up in her hall room, it's the 1st time i slept in hall lei, i "bend snake" successfully , haha ^^

only 3 more days left ja, then exam la, i really enjoy the course lei when i read the notes, but just so lazy today, v. inefficient to study, ng, hv to add oil la, haha

台長: 能醫不自醫白勺社工
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