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【超實用居家用品】Concord Buggy NEO PLUS 特賣優惠網站

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Concord Buggy NEO PLUS 設計式樣: Shadow Black · 2019

The Concord NEO PLUS combines innovative technology 暢銷商品with pure design. This extraordinary, premium buggy will attract everybody's attention immediately.

The elaborate design of the chassis contributes to a perfect road holding and a high level of manoeuvrability. The extra-spacious sport seat comes with a backrest and is equipped with a super soft and padded seat pad. That way, every ride in this buggy will be pleasant and comfortable for your child and even a little nap in between times is possible. In addition to this, the distinctive Y-FRAME front axle, the independent suspension, the height-adjustable push bar as well as the delicate rhomboid suspension provide maximum driving and riding comfort.

This buggy features a comfortable and convenient handling. Two parking positions enable you to fold the buggy while having a forward-facing or rear-facing sitting position. The buggy NEO PLUS by Concord is pretty versatile and can even be used as a mobile highchair. When combined with the folding carrycot SCOUT, you can easily transform the buggy into a comfortable stroller which is suitable for being used right from birth and up. (Please note: The folding carrycot SCOUT is not included in delivery). The Concord Air i-Size infant car seat can be attached to the chassis of the buggy, too. (Please note: the infant car seat AIR i-Size is not included in delivery). Thus, the Concord NEO PLUS buggy provides plenty of flexibility and freedom of movement.

The parking brake on the push bar can be operated comfortably with only one hand. The seat of this buggy can be installed in either a forward-facing or rear-facing mode - that way, you can decide whether your child is facing you or else the world around. Are there small crumbs or even stains from some pieces of chocolate on the cover? No problem! The covers of the Concord NEO can be removed and washed easily. This way, dirt and stains will soon belong to the past.

Another great feature of this buggy is its adjustable sun canopy which is made of elastic, high-quality 3D material (with UV protection 50+) and is water-resistant and washable. The sun canopy, the built-in wind protection for your little one's legs as well as the universal rain cover provide outstanding protection in any weather. The spacious shopping basket of the Concord Buggy NEO PLUS offers enough space to store the change bag or smaller purchases. The buggy's innovative folding mechanism and its compact folded size of only L 74 x W 61 x H 39 cm are perfect for storing it easily and quickly in your vehicle.

The new design of the wheels emphasises the sporty look of the NEO PLUS and matches perfectly with the colour of the new 2019 collection. In addition to this, the white coloured rims increase visibility in the dark.


  • New, large seat unit which is suitable right from birth

  • Extra-large adjustable sun canopy made of high-quality material, with UV protection 50+; water-resistant and washable

  • Height-adjustable push bar

  • Parking brake on push bar, can be used comfortably with only one hand

  • Built-in wind protection for the legs

  • Inclination of seat can be adjusted

  • Ideal seat height for being used at the table

  • Seat can be installed in either a forward-facing or rear-facing mode

  • Spacious shopping basket

  • Delicate rhomboid suspension

  • Innovative Y-FRAME front axle

  • Independent suspension

  • New design of the wheels - white coloured rims

  • Perfect road holding and high manoeuvrability

  • Including universal rain cover (also suitable for SCOUT)

  • Cover can be removed and washed

  • Innovative folding mechanism - extremely small and compact folded size

  • Weight: 13.8 kg

  • Weight without seat unit: 10 kg

  • Dimensions unfolded (LxWxH): 95 x 61 x 110 cm

  • Dimensions folded (LxWxH): 74 x 61 x 39 cm




Concord Buggy NEO PLUS





切胃甩65公斤體重 終於求婚成功







  • 痛風不治療 腎臟嚴重結石
  • 擔心自己有愛滋病?在家就可以篩檢


(法新社巴黎25日電) 研究人員今天表示,英國一項大型研究顯示,長期服用某些抗抑鬱劑與痴呆症有關,但無法肯定作出結論說,罹患痴呆症是服用那些藥物所導致。


研究報告共同執筆人、任職倫敦東安格利亞大學健康科學學院(University of East Anglia's School of Health Science)的薩瓦(George Savva)說:「我們不確定的是,服用這些藥物是否會導致罹患痴呆症。」這份研究報告發表於「英國醫學期刊」(BMJ)。

舉例來說,抗副交感神經用藥會阻止某些特賣優惠網站神經脈衝,以減少膀胱肌肉痙攣,和緩解抑鬱症狀或巴金森氏症(Parkinson's Disease)。






Concord Buggy NEO PLUS

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評鑑大隊, Concord Buggy NEO PLUS

部落客推薦, Concord Buggy NEO PLUS

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台長: cgiwwewgggqu
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