小妹最近買了 Easywalker Buggy Charley
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Easywalker Buggy Charley 設計式樣: night black · 2019
2018熱門產品選購指南Buggy Charley stands out as a stylish companion which is particularly suitable for when living in a city. Featuring a low weight of only 8 kg Charley is not only small and compact, but also the lightest buggy in the compact segment.
With just a few simple steps, this adorable buggy can be folded into a small, compact and free-standing unit.
Its seat unit is easy to remove and by using adaptors you can either attach a carrycot or most standard infant car seats to the chassis - that way, you can use Charley as a pram or travel system.
(Infant car seat and carrycot are not included in delivery.)Seat unit and carrycot can be
adjusted in height by using adaptors. The push bar as well as the canopy are also height adjustable.
In order to make your child feel relaxed and comfortable during the ride in the Charley, you can
adjust the large seat unit in three different levels.
The 5-point harness keeps your little passenger safe in the seat and protects him from falling out.
If desired, you can attach the seat unit both in a
forward-facing or rear-facing mode.
large shopping basket offers enough space for smaller and larger purchases.
- Agile and easy to use
- Can be converted from buggy to stroller
- Can be used as travel system
- Low weight: 8 kg
- Very compact folding size
- Comfortable driving experience
- Height-adjustable seat unit, carrycot, push bar and canopy
- Reversible seat unit can be adjusted in three different levels
- Large, easily accessible shopping basket
- By using adaptors Charley is compatible with almost all standard infant car seats (Maxi-Cosi, Cybex, Kiddy, BeSafe)
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立春欲養肝先護腎 疏肝理氣慎防舊疾復發
80歲秘魯前總統藤森將再入獄 法院撤銷特赦下令逮捕
2017年12月才獲秘魯現任總統庫琴斯基(Pedro Pablo Kuczynski)以健康情況轉差為由特赦的秘魯前總統藤森謙也(Alberto Fujimori)又將再度入獄,秘魯法院今天撤銷對藤森的特赦,並且下令立即逮捕高齡80歲的藤森。秘魯司法部在聲明中指出,最高法院已「下令逮捕並拘留前總統藤森,因此他可能會再度入獄服刑」。
藤森在2000年總統大選競選連任,在極大爭議聲中勝選連任。全國爆發大規模示威,要求藤森立即下台並逮捕他。藤森最後在2000年9月訪問日本期間突然宣布辭職,利用傳真機遞交請辭信,並展開流亡日本生涯。日本以藤森保有日本國籍為由,拒絕秘魯要求引渡回國受審。但藤森在2005年趁後繼總統托萊多(Alejandro Toledo)支持下跌,宣布有意回國參選,並在2006年秘密離開日本前往智利,最終遭逮捕並引渡回國。經過多年審訊,藤森被指涉及濫用職權、賄賂、綁架、屠殺等多項罪名,被秘魯最高法院判處25年監禁,結束了他19年的政治生涯,成為階下囚。
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