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2005-11-10 09:04:19| 人氣9| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

currently..eggtart-ing mode!

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yummmm 蛋塔味道好好噢..
好不容易纔做完YOGA... 纍死我也~
保持健康飲食! =P

對拉..report card下個星期就發囖..
不過marks are already due..
here r the ones i know right now..

math - 69
physics -60
pyschology - 82
living space. - 81
international business - 80

唉媽亞數學和物理 is like dat pain in my ass <-- is that how u say it lol
可是還是pulled down my average sooo much!
i’ll try harder the next term..=’( dont make fun of meee...

oo plus todays rein’s birthday!
turning 16 man..
lol everyone’s 16 now yayy we r grown ups lar..(not rlly)
n we did nothin..
except for locker docorating..
it was suppose to be a surprise but we decorated in front of her..
hahaha its becuz i was late in the morning
n we had 2 do it during the break between 2nd n 3rd period.
soo happy birthday 2 reinn!! <--- doubt dat she’ll c this but o wells

me out

oo fuk i dunno how 2 get photos into my nano!!!
T_T dat shit aint cooperating 虧我還待它那么好! n admires it everyday. fuk!

台長: &&忽. 拉
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