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2005-04-10 00:15:29


My credit card has been cloned; someone spent over 500 pounds in a supermarket using it and luckily the money didn’t go through due to this wired transaction. Why would anyone want to spend this amou...

2005-04-08 07:55:33

My Summer

The best way to describe my mood lately: Today’s Weather Sunny--> cloudy--> light shower--> windy--> lightening--> thunder-->迳 pissing down--> and there might possibly be SNOW tomorrow This ...

2005-04-04 20:04:15

About Me..

Worries 1. Put on weight 2. Wrinkles on the face 3. Getting old Habits 1. TVB series 2. Non-school work activities 3. Sit in front of the computer Life style 1. Lack of motivation 2. ...

2005-03-23 07:46:35


踏入春天 雨沒停 呆坐電腦前 沒起勁 想得太多 我是壞人 請勿靠近! Photo@HydeParkSunset

2005-03-22 03:58:17

~ 狼來了~

紅色警告現已響起 請小心 千萬不要….一錯再錯 Photo@MyOilBurner

2005-03-21 00:45:28

--Holiday Mode --

--MOMO's HOLIDAY MODE IS IN OPERATION-- My lectures in Child Development have finally come to an end. It feels like I have almost graduated despite my painful dissertation and my 5000 word essay on...

2005-03-15 03:34:50



2005-03-05 05:56:05


望著窗外的風景往後退 我們來到了今天 沿途中車廂內充滿著陌生人 他們留下的足印使我更懂得自己 讓我從新再一次把你認識 就是你把我生命中加添了一點滴的色彩 就是你把我眉頭上的悲觀帶走 使我靜靜地閉上眼睛...

2005-03-03 20:52:36


Had a really nice birthday this year and would like to thank for all of you who fulfilled my day making me feeling so blissful!! Anyone who remembered my birthday, who sent me a little text or icq mes...

2005-03-02 05:30:15


我終於 ~ 終於無限復活,KO了四篇Essays的感覺超HIGH 只睡了五小時的我現在發癲中 用了剩餘數小時的廿二歲光陰玩~ 玩 ~洗篶所 正所謂新一歲新開始嗎.... (無錯係我作鮋) I am feeling sooooo tired, 不過,無限...

2005-02-27 08:12:55


雙腳凍了 雙手也是冰冷 學會怎樣刻意不把襪子穿上 它不是我的唯一 沒有它我還有要過活 仍能活著 只是感覺有些寒冷 但無論如也要支持下去 沒有放棄 生命力不強 學習了忍耐 請求歷史不要重演 能讓我獨自幹...

2005-02-26 01:17:55


25th February 2005 I am getting more and more random these days, my thoughts are everywhere, one minute I think about X and in a split second Y pops up in my mind. I try to do thousands of tasks at...

2005-02-23 20:04:40


經過晴天雨天便會來 沒有永遠的雨天為何也沒有永遠的晴天 走到大街上的某個角落才發現了別人對自己的重要 我是誰 偏偏說不出心中想說的 這就是我 近期時常想起過去的 其實現在的所有也不是這麼差,就是喜愛懷...

2005-02-22 23:43:33

Our Shadows...

While I was bored doing my essay, I had an extended two-hour tea break flicking through my old photo albums. There are certainly old times that I miss tremendously, in particular, the time we spent to...

2005-02-20 20:43:28


Lyrics taken from情人戰 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 你每天做你的 我每天做我的 要對方學對方一己 那方式 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Indeed I would like you to live your life like the way I do I...

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