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2005-07-20 04:03:18


To date, I believe he is still unclear about what he did wrong, what he did to make me ever so upset. He suggested we should talk when he gets back in August, but honestly, I am interested no more…If...

2005-07-18 04:49:32


他偶然的來電使我害怕 跟他約會後的那天響起了戒避信號 不想破壞我們之間的友誼 過去的他跟他已令我苦惱得很 希望自己的顧慮只屬於過分敏感 至今我仍未明白TAM HK 所說的以下 寂寞也許都只因我太揀擇 過...

2005-07-12 05:58:11


踏入人生新低點 生意失敗呀 愛情,學業,事業全失意 – 死未? 只有無限復活精神在那怕沒明天!?!? (近期金句) Photo@無限復活中的Mary

2005-07-09 01:54:56


I was accused of being ‘dependent’ about a week ago – his definition of dependent was as follows 1. I have to hear from him every single day while he is on holiday (My argument was that this i...

2005-06-28 06:30:02

When it burns out

That was the end of it - the smell remained however.. The smoke in the air made me suffocated.. Aftermath effect.. Why did I like candles in the first place? The fine border between the dark and...

2005-06-28 01:14:25

Top 10

10 things that annoy me THE MOST (in random order) 1. People blocking the doorway or an exit in public 2. People who do not reply my text messages or return my calls 3. People who lean against ...

2005-06-26 08:26:32


夕陽下我們在查理大橋上再次邂逅 - 幻想中的布拉格 Photo@CharlesBridge

2005-06-25 05:47:12

Most Wanted!!

Sasumi, Fish balls, A lot like Love, Holiday, Traveling, Swarovski, excitement, randomness, sunshine, a slightly cooler temperature, weight loss and a JOB!!! Photo@GhostLegoKeyring

2005-06-23 20:54:52

Summer 2005

再次踏上旅程 夏季旅行第一站 : Denmark 日期: 8/8-12/8 景點: Arhus, Egeskov Slot , Legoland (yes, again!!), Mons Klint, Ribe, Copenhagen, Little Mermaid Statue, Tivoli amusement park, Rosenborg Cas...

2005-06-21 06:04:08

p.s. I miss Rome

Please let there be sunshine this summer Wherever I may be Whatever I may be doing I am looking for an answer and am up for a challenge Bay has gone away for three weeks on his mission in Sout...

2005-06-14 05:12:37

Oh well..

Not sure if I am going to make it this time! Guess what? lastminute.com is in process again!! 18,000 words by the end of this month (note: there are only 30 days in June and 13 days have already passe...

2005-06-12 05:42:20

The Future & I

Today I am seeking a different personality… I don’t hate myself but I want to have some dramatic changes. I have a feeling that I am missing out on things that I will have regrets on in N year’s...

2005-06-05 06:45:50


我想...一夜間我變了另一個她..或他.. 拋開目前一切 勇敢地 為自己的理想向前走 感覺上失去的某些勇氣好像回來了 他的離去使我勇敢 說過我喜愛自我的空間 學懂了獨立 只怕空間變得冷清而感到寒冷 始終我還是...

2005-05-19 07:11:38

News Today

Headline: Light Bulb Burnt Out as I switched on the Lights!!! According to my experience, bad luck follows whenever this happens and I get ever so frustrated for at least a day or two thereafter. ...

2005-05-16 23:06:37

A Failure?!?

This is the longest entry ever, sums up what I am feeling today, I spent one hour typing this out, please read on.. (Word count = 958) School In terms of school work my lack of motivation is...

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