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Where to go in -Baden-Baden, S

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Baden-Baden, Strasbourg and Alsace Tour from Frankfurt

The experience:
「Baden-Baden is so nice you have to name it twice.」 - Former U.S. President Bill Clinton
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Departure time : 9:30 am
Departure point : Central Station
Tour Duration:10.5 hr
Return Details : Back to Central Station at 8:00 pm (approx.)
Voucher Type:Printed voucher

What You'll See

Baden-Baden is one of Europe s most stylish and exclusive spas. The hot springs have been known since 2000 years and the city has an international reputation for healthcare.

Enjoy the elegant Kurhaus, immaculate gardens and parks and the precious casino. Followed by an enchanting round-trip through a unique natural landscape: the dark, coniferous woods of the Black Forest up to mysterious lake "Mummelsee", a relic of the last Ice Age.

Take a rest at this beautiful scenery and if you like, you can carry home a □cuckoo clock「, because here we are at the cradle of these wall clocks, 250 years ago.

Afterwards explore Strasbourg in France, the heart of the Alsace, visit the famous Gothic cathedral and the picturesque old city. Enjoy a boat ride on the canals and marvel at 「Petit France」.

For Spa lovers we offer the opportunity to stay in one of Baden-Badens famous Spas at your own expenses. The only disadvantage is, the journey of Baden-Baden/Strasbourg will be missed and we will pick you up at the end of the tour.

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Departure time : 9:30 am
Departure point : Central Station
Tour Duration:10.5 hr
Return Details : Back to Central Station at 8:00 pm (approx.)
Voucher Type:Printed voucher

What You'll See

Baden-Baden is one of Europe s most stylish and exclusive spas. The hot springs have been known since 2000 years and the city has an international reputation for healthcare.

Enjoy the elegant Kurhaus, immaculate gardens and parks and the precious casino. Followed by an enchanting round-trip through a unique natural landscape: the dark, coniferous woods of the Black Forest up to mysterious lake "Mummelsee", a relic of the last Ice Age.

Take a rest at this beautiful scenery and if you like, you can carry home a □cuckoo clock「, because here we are at the cradle of these wall clocks, 250 years ago.

Afterwards explore Strasbourg in France, the heart of the Alsace, visit the famous Gothic cathedral and the picturesque old city. Enjoy a boat ride on the canals and marvel at 「Petit France」.

For Spa lovers we offer the opportunity to stay in one of Baden-Badens famous Spas at your own expenses. The only disadvantage is, the journey of Baden-Baden/Strasbourg will be missed and we will pick you up at the end of the tour.

台長: antonip1a7mnv
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