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2002-05-28 13:50:41| 人氣19| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

To My High School Buddies

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I know I've told u million times how much I love u all, and how important u guys r to me! Today after visiting Joe's homepage, I miss u again and all the high school days is coming back in my mind again, those happy days and tough days we have survived together. I don't know if there will be once in a life time friends, but right now at the moment, u r my best friends. Friends laugh at your silliest
jokes, put up with your worst mood, go along with your craziest ideas, and always see the best in you." This is what I want to say to u.
Sometimes I'm worried that my place in ur heart will be taken by ur new friends in the university. Sometimes when I want to call u, I'm afraid that I will disturb u, so I tell u I miss u in my heart, do u hear the little voice from me?
We move on our lives separately, but we share the same past, don't we? I hope our friendship can last life time, and one day when I'm far away in a foreign country, I can call u to cry over being homesickwhen I'm getting married, u'll be the ones in my wedding whom i'd love to get wishes from, when I become a mom, I'll tell u everything about my baby and he/she will be honored of having all of u as his/her aunties, and finally when I am dying, I can see u all standing beside me accompanying me through my last journey this life!

台長: Ali
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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