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2002-06-07 15:38:21| 人氣17| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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This is a month of commencement.
Walking in the campus, seeing many seniors and graduates dressing robes, smilingly taking pics as the last souvenir of their school lives, I am wondering that 2 years from now what I will look like, how I will feel about the whole thing, will I embrace my future smilingly?
I asked one of the graduate this morning how she felt about leaving school and go into the society, obviously, she was very excited and optimistic about it, "Finally get rid of it!" that's what Sunny responded to me.
I have been living the school life for 14 years, since I was only 7. I don't really know what the "real world" is like, is that very different from school life? Things seem to change dramatically as we grow up. I held many dreams and ambitions about my future when I was still a kid; as growing up, those dreams and ambitions r substituted by easier ones. When I was in primary school, I wanted to be a doctor; at age 14, I longed to become an astronaut due to Apollo 13; in high school, I dreamed to be a politician or working at an internatinal organization contributing to the whole world. And one thing always the same is that I want to go abroad for all these; right now, I don't want to be too affirmative about my future, all I can say is that things change all the time, being too affirmative will only make me disappointed.
I still desire to go abroad, wandering in any country, experiencing the variety, will I have a stable job? what will that be? I don't know, maybe I have got some plans already, but I won't tell coz things change all the time.
I shall not be afraid, not a coward. Doesn't the Chinese proverb go like this, "船到橋頭自然直"? So everything will be fine. Having faith, keep my head up.
I still wish that one day I can stand at the commencement of Harvard, keep the promise I once made to my grandma that I will make the Chu family be proud of me, and let Mommy and Daddy share my glory. That is my dream.

台長: Ali
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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