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2008-06-17 01:08:57| 人氣255| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I am not sure if it’s the rain
or the rain in my heart
that makes things worse and worse

I lost all interests in movies, music, shopping, writing...
If i can chose I want to spend my whole time to start crying out loud
At least the city can hear me

Can anyone hear me indeed?
Am I asking for too much, just want my love one to stay by my side
and be with me when I need?
I must be the most humiliating, silliest idiot that still believe
That love can change a person.
In Fact, the only thing that love change,
is your degree in beliving love.

I cant say I am a big follower,
however, I am starting to become one of those cynical never-get-serious women.

It’s just too easy for love to break down into small piece of trouble that no men is willing to take.

And so do I.

Maybe, it’s nothing wrong with them
it’s just me.
it’s me, keeping picking up the wrong person.

It’s the fucking rain, I know.
it’s the fucking rain.

台長: ahy
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hey, dear, we always share the same feelings....but maybe you worser than me this time...yes, it is all because of the fucking rain.....shit~
2008-06-25 04:13:42
i`m getting better la ,hope you also getting better la, my dear~
2008-06-30 06:28:45
Hello Ahy. Stressful rain makes us too frustuated. In the past June, we all were challenging with / against the troublesome weather and the derived emotional troubles. Hey are you OK now ?
2008-07-01 11:50:04
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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