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2005-07-29 03:18:58| 人氣320| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Strolling along the road near Taipei station, I often see some people not only wearing old and shabby clothing but also losing both of legs begging some money. Maybe at the moment you have no money and all of things you do is passing though them. I cannot blame you for the person lacking compassion because of the fact that you have no money to donate.

Nevertheless, if you have a ten-Taiwan-dollar coin at least in your pockets, maybe you can make a brand-new decision, giving them a sole ten-dollar coin. Though it is valuable to you and the donation about the value is not high, you will make sense from this action. I do not tell those donators weather the donation is helpful to them in substance but believe that it will promote their frame of mind and make them became better men. If one can be used to give others some of his possessions, one will create a new viewpoint to face the world. Many people often complain about making too less money to live. They do not know how to lose money and than do not know how to earn money. How does one gain for lack of giving up! Giving is like flowing water following gaining. You give, you gain. A ten-dollar coin maybe is insufficient for those beggars, but it represents an emotion for them. They can feel one’s warm care and attention. The point is not surmising whether they are true or fake! One has to mind whether to get meaningful things, such as content or happiness, and so on, by donating.

Therefore, I can not promise you what you will gain by donating. However, you can try it! Prepare some coins in pockets all the time and one day maybe give others “emotions”. When those emotions are getting more and more, they will convert a huge hope, a new possibility about one’s life. Are you neither satisfied nor happy for giving? Will your life not transform?

台長: 六隻腳的動物
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