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2003-11-11 17:59:11| 人氣72| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

一起在英國長大:【生活日記44】Here I am, Italy.

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Dear diary,

Bit exciting today and a bit exasperating really. I mean it was so exciting going to another place, but that meant going from France to another place and that meant having the longest journey ever. We started at about 10am and arrived at about 10pm. 12 hours! 12 hours crammed into a car. Well when we passed Switzerland and started to climb the Alps (that's where Heidi lived) the scene was beautiful! Mists surrounded us and mountains looked strangely black and misty. Some of them had streams running down sides of it, some have small waterfalls, and once, we are in one of the waterfalls!

Then it began to rain. I couldn't see anything much, so I settled down to sleep. When I woke up, the rain had stopped, and the mountains were green now instead of black and gray. I suppose we aren't so high up now. Actually, we were starting to descend. It's about 6:30pm when we crossed the Italy boarder. Crossing boarder wasn't really what I expect. Scenery and mountains don't just end. No it went on and on. Italy wasn't what I imagined either. I always imagined Italy to be a busy country with lots of factories, and some ruins of ancient Romans, but never these mountains without ruins, villages without chimney. We arrived at ten, and I went to sleep wishing a better day tomorrow….

P.S. Policemen at Italy boarder had stopped us for a while, because they thought we came from China, cheek! At least there's going to be new passports with ‘Taiwan’ on it. I shall be looking forward to have new passports.


廿八日離開巴黎,在法國中部Dijon過一夜後,直接出發到此次行程的主要目的地──意大利,沿著日內瓦湖,穿過最接近瑞士名勝策馬特的主要道路,再越過北意山區,經米蘭到第一站意大利最大湖Lake Garda,原本估計車程大約七或八個小時,但因在瑞、意邊境受到盤查,經米蘭又遇到下班塞車,即使中途並未休息,還是開了十幾個小時的車。


台長: Jenny
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