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2003-01-30 20:56:40| 人氣109| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

一起在英國長大:【生活日記21】Musical: Lion King

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I went to watch a musical play called “The Lion King”. It was a play about, of course, the Lion King.

The story is like that. One dawn in Pridelands a cub was born. Mufasa (the cub's father) named the cub Simba. After Simba was born, he was shown to all the animals in Pridelands. When he was a bit older he made friend with another cub called Nala who was adventurous like him. He had always wondered what's in the land just across the border of Pridelands. So when his uncle Scar accidentally on purpose let slip about Elephant graveyard, he and Nala went across the border and nearly got killed. Not long afterwards Scar killed Mufasa and chased Simba away then made himself the King of Pridelands. After he was a full grown, Lion Simba went back to Pridelands and took back his place as the real King of Pridelands. So here you go! The story of Lion King 1 !

Of course, they sang the whole and acted the whole story out, or else it won't be called a “musical” play!! You might think that it's cruel of Scar to Mufasa and I thought of it too, but it was nothing to Scar because he's always bad. So what's wrong been worse? From Simba's point of view he might have felt puzzled because his family have done Scar no harm so why did he do so badly to his family? But from Scar's point of view, he might feel unfair because he was the older one yet his brother got the throne and had a family while he hasn't even got a wife. Anyway I think the moral to this story is “Don't be jealous and something like that!” ◙☼☻Ω₫מּ

Sorry I just got a bit carried away that's all. It's not my fault that I wrote that silly moral, it's just because we are learning fables at school and the Lion King is a fable and fables usually have morals…

Anyway I think the Lion King was the best play ever! It looks sooooo real! With the giraffes stomping about and the zebras galloping. Most of the actors were from Africa (looked like) because that's where the story of Lion King is set (or is supposed to). Although it got an English author (maybe), sometimes it was hard to understand what they were singing about, see? Well, at best it was good and it's not boring at all, so what will my next musical play be like? I know that's the name of the play, it is called “London's most haunting love story”, sounds a bit boring to me! We’ll see about that after I've seen it. I must take a rest now. And remember the Lion King is the best play EVER!!!!!!


1.獅子王的故事對Jenny並不陌生,雖然電影版在她出生不久就發行,不過錄影帶在台灣時已看過幾回,Mick對lion king則沒什麼印象,還好他有一片朋友送的獅子王 2 電玩,配合從電腦上download的英文劇本大綱,他們兩個在觀賞前也做了一些功課。不過會帶他們去看獅子王音樂劇,主要是只想讓他們去欣賞華麗的布景及高明的道具,而且剛好碰到倫敦市長提撥七千多萬元支持劇院,目前正半價優待中,沒想到小小Jenny,還是自己看出了一些小小的人生大道理。


3.Lion King真的是老少咸宜的音樂劇,動物裝扮維妙維肖極盡巧思,節奏緊湊沒什麼冷場,又有悅耳的音樂,最適合外行人看熱鬧,內行人看門道,只是因為太熱門了,買票有時是看運氣的。趁著半價期間,我們也搶定了三月廿日「歌劇魅影」的票,Jenny寫的“London's most haunting love story”,我想可能是她在倫敦時看到相關的海報宣傳吧。


台長: Jenny
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