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2003-01-20 00:54:49| 人氣46| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

一起在英國長大:【生活日記20】Harry Potter

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Finally, I went to see the film ‘Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets’ at Odeon cinema. I like Harry Potter books and movies. In fact, I'm mad about Harry Potter.

I like the bit at the end best because it's the part when Hagrid came in and said, ‘Sorry I'm late, that release letter was delivered by some ro’en bird called Errol.’ It's so funny. Mum & Dad hadn't got a clue what it means. The bit I hate most is the spider scene. You know, the bit when all the spiders dropped onto the car and attacked Ron, Harry and Fang (Hagrid's dog). I was as relieved as ever when it had past, but the scarier bit was to come. You know the Basilisk bit? It so scary that I couldn't look a bit ( well, nearly) through. Tom Riddle was very handsome but he's a baddie (Boo!). My favorite character is Hermione Granger because she is very fair and she speaks clearly.

What a film! Oh I loved it! Tell you I was a Potter fan! Can't wait ‘till Harry Potter 3's film and the fifth book comes out!

PS: It's my Mum's birthday Today! Happy Birthday, Mum!

PPS: We've been to some of the locations where scenes of the movie were shot. For example, the bridge Harry and Ron had been chased by the train and the corridor Harry heard the voice from Voldemort, and the dining hall and entrance hall….. Dad planed that holiday for us last summer. Good old Dad!! It was amazing to think that you're driving a flying car round and round the bridge. We’ve been to King's Cross station as well, 9 3/4 one of the notices says. I've actually seen the platform even I wasn't a witch!? Only joking! But I do love the station and the bridge. See you soon, Harry!


1.Jenny 真的是 Harry Potter 迷,即使她最好的朋友Heather對魔法毫無興趣,還是無法動搖Jenny對Harry的熱愛,並由此延伸出她閱讀習慣的方向之一。
2.Harry Potter 除了是Jenny 第一本真正深入看完的英文小說,也是記錄她閱讀能力的一個指標,前年聖誕老公公將全套四本已出版的Harry Potter放在她的床頭櫃,她花了近三個月時間看完第一本,第二本不到一個月,第三本不到一星期,多達四百多頁的第四本也花不到一星期就看完了,並在去年母親節前當做送給媽媽的禮物,有過這樣的經驗,她的英文閱讀能力突飛猛進,即將在六月廿一日出版的第五本Harry Potter,雖然厚達七百多頁,她也只是覺得愈多愈好,出版商配合宣傳及出版策略,將只先印精裝本,定價約十七英鎊(合台幣近九百五十元),貼心的Jenny說只要讓她到書局去看就好了,等以後回台灣,再買一套新的帶回去,免得目前也都在念書的父母負擔太重了。

照片是我拍攝的Gloucester大教堂的迴廊 (Gloucester在英格蘭西部,距倫敦約二個小時車程),是否覺得似曾相識?在第一集和第二集的哈利波特電影中,只要一出現這個場景,大都是鬼影幢幢。

台長: Jenny
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