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2002-11-28 18:58:42| 人氣52| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

一起在英國長大:【生活日記九】Dare Game

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Dear Alex,

I wish Alex could be my friend I mean it!

Well let's forget it. I was a bit homesick yesterday because we were looking at photos that we took in my country (Taiwan). Our timetable has gone back to normal, boring! I think the mixed up timetable was better fun.

Heather, Ellie, Lily, Claire, Laura and I played 'Goose'. Lily and Laura made this game up because they are the toughest and craziest in the whole class. Now 'Goose' is a bit like 'hit' only the person doesn't say 'hit' when he/she gets you. Instead they say 'Goose' and you have to rub the place the 'Goose' touched you and chase the others. I loved 'Goose' it was better than 'Hit' or 'Sticky Glue' or other running games. It was great fun. Well I'm not a good runner if you come to that, but I can fool people. Then they got a bit fed up so we played the 'Dare Game'. See, they are tough. I don't like the 'Dare Game' at all. I'm not pretty tough, but I still play the 'Dare Game'. I don't want to play at first, but then I have to because they went away.

“Right”, said Laura, “the dare is to go up to Mrs Smith and say to her "Good afternoon my name is such and such (say your name)’”. Lily had been chosen. Ha! Well she got the worst dare ever because Mrs Smith is the strictest 'on playground duty' teacher, even stricter than Mr Pie! Well she didn't do it to Mrs Smith so she did it to Mrs Jeffrey. I only got the dare once and that scary enough. Last time Laura said the most daring dare ever! It is, “Go to a boy and show him your KNICKERS!” I backed out immediately, Laura and Lily did it! They showed Eric! Well they showed him because he wasn't looking. It looked like he was doing a prayer. I wonder what it would look like if a teacher passed right then? Can you imagine it? I can. I imagine Mr Pie walking past and seeing a boy student doing a sort of prayer and two girls shaking their bums STARK NAKED! Well I don't know because I was in the loo(註5) at the best moment.

I did get to dare the others once; I dared them to say “I love you” to a boy. Heather spoiled the fun. Well she did say, “I love you” to Patrick, but she said, “Ok Patrick this is a dare game, I love you”. Patrick said, “oh, this is a pretty dare yes” and went off. Not many boys would say that, they’d just say ‘yuk’ or ‘go away’.

I DON’T LIKE DARES! (4/11/02)


1.Alex: Jenny為自己的日記取的名字,也「剛好」是同班一位男同學的名字。

2.過完Half term了,所以Jenny說又開始「按表操課」,回到正常了。

3.和台灣一樣,英國的小朋友也會發明自己的遊戲,’Goose’、’Hit’和’ Sticky Glue’好像都差不多,都是抓人遊戲,雖然各有些微不同,但細節,我實在是不太清楚,有機會再叫Jenny自己說明白。

4.‘Dare Game’:就是比賽誰大膽的遊戲了,由一個小朋友先說出一件「困難」的事,通常都是很「丟臉」的啦,敢去做的人就取得發言權,有資格接著丟出另一個難題。玩這種遊戲,大都是要比較活潑外向的群體才能玩的盡興,可以想見問題也會愈火辣。


台長: Jenny
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