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2002-11-18 03:20:00| 人氣184| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Today is a dark day. Well, not like the dark ages. I mean that today is very cold and cloudy. That wasn’t a very good start was it? It’s just a shame. You can’t expect the weather to be sunny every day, can you? Y/N? (Please tick one.) Well of course that sort of weather brings a bad mood to every person and I expected it to be a bad day. However it turned out to be a good day, a fine day. Not the weather though. I hate this word ‘ Weather’. We had weather for our geography lesson. At least I got to go to the High street and, best of all, my dad bought me two new books and a pencil case for Heather. It was a sheep pencil case!(27/10/2002)

1.Weather: 英國的天氣!
3.送禮物給Heather,因為三十一日到她家去Sleep Over.

台長: Jenny
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全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然)

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