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2005-10-21 20:56:58

My museum day...

今天是我每月一次到北美館報到的日子,利用休假來享受偷得浮生半日閑的悠哉。 I saw many paintings that I loved, and I secretly took some pics...I know that is not allowed in there, but I just couldn’t he...

2005-10-21 02:56:56

Midnight in Taipei

I am sort of night person, but not the kind of party all night long or keep drinking till the bar closed. Instead of craziness, I prefer the quietness, the solitude. 這是一種眾人皆睡,我獨醒的感覺。享...

2005-10-18 22:56:56

手札情緣 Notebook

I cried everytime when I watch this film. It may sounds like an ordinary romantic story at the beginning, a rich girl fall in love with a country boy, the girl’s family wouldn’t let them be together...

2005-10-18 22:56:56

In her shoes

本月選書~ In Her Shoes This book has already been filmed into a movie. I saw its ad in US TV all the time, its has been a best selling novel for months, and in the film, Cameron Diaz is playing the...

2005-10-18 21:56:56

hey baby


2005-10-18 21:56:55


His name is Adam, a cute baby, if I remembered correctly, we met in April 2005. He has a funny dad, named Martin. I met his dad before he was borned, actually it was the night before Martin on his way...

2005-10-18 21:56:55


在美國買的零熱量的可口可樂,我覺得比coke light好喝很多,沒有那種假可樂的味道!本來是要帶回來給永遠在減肥的小森當作禮物,但在要回台北來的前幾個小時,心中的小惡魔開始說話了:幹麼大老遠扛一罐可樂回台灣ㄚ...

2005-10-18 20:56:54

Omelet! oh! Omelet!

我一向愛吃omelet! 可是也一直以為好吃的omelet不過就是裡面塞滿了很多的cheese & mushroom,直到在舊金山的一家開了數十年頗為知名的Diner,吃到了極富巧思的omelet,才讓我狹隘的omelet印象,大大地開了眼界! 它的蛋皮...

2005-10-17 21:56:54

He is a perfect boss!!

他是我老闆,是奧地利人,可是我們都叫他小王!夠local吧! 其實這是"小王子"的簡稱,至於為什麼要叫他小王子,我也不知道,但大家都叫的很順。 He is without doubt the nicest man I’ve ever met! He is an ulti...

2005-10-17 20:56:54


那一天,那一個下午,在舊金山異常寒冷的早秋街頭,我有了一場美麗的邂逅.... with the perfect seafood Burritos. 很久沒有吃到那麼令人感動的一道菜了!! 它的麵皮QQ地、上面灑滿了墨西哥起士,裡面的餡呈現出一種...

2005-05-31 22:56:53

My summer outing!

It is not about where you go, it’s about who you go with... Thanks u guys, I had a great time!

2005-05-09 00:56:53

oh! summer..........

夏天.......是個惱人的季節。 天氣悶的讓人心浮氣燥,往往也容易因此而作出衝動的決定。但說正格的,好像只有呆在台灣過夏天時,才會讓我有這種感覺。撇開當初在英國及加拿大渡過的涼爽夏天不談,就連處在每天都是夏...

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