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2016-05-26 06:11:01| 人氣4| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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[石英錶強檔特價]公司貨原廠保固2年-WEWOOD的義大利時尚木頭腕錶 三眼 KAPPA 系列-45mm~三色任選 西方情人節 Snoop Lion Ligh...

原本我是幾乎不戴手錶在身上的人,覺得反正有手機就好拉~何必需要多一個看時間的工具,但因為即將升格成研究生,想要買個好錶,除了該有的功能之外,我也很在意品牌的評價,品質,搭配度還有時尚感,所以就鎖定石英錶為我的第一目標,看了許多論壇的推薦,最後我決定選GOTO的Sweet color 甜美陶瓷時尚腕錶-黑x粉~GC7520L-33-822,主要就是因為GOTO的Sweet color 甜美陶瓷時尚腕錶-黑x粉~GC7520L-33-822原廠公司貨;精密陶瓷錶殼+精密陶瓷錶帶;礦石玻璃;GC7520L-33-822,買了以後發現真的不錯,推薦大家也趕快去購入一個好錶吧~~~



還有,最近我還挺喜歡聽Snoop Lion的曲子,尤其是Lighters Up feat.Mavado & Popcaan這首~~現在網路真的很方便,都有免費體驗可以試聽或下載,有興趣的朋友可以聽聽看免費的唷!!



Lighters Up feat.Mavado & Popcaan


Ah, Gully God Snoop Dogg

Haha, anyway, ah!

Come on, Gully


Put your lighters up

Get high with me, fly with me

Ain’t no dividing us

East Side, West Side

North Side, South Side unified

Come on and ride with us

Put your lighters up

Get high with me, fly with me

Ain’t no dividing us

East Side, West Side

North Side, South Side unified, ah


We're keep a peace dance pon the scene

East Side and the West Side come in

Yard man in a the place you know we ever clean

High Grade flow through we blood stream

The goons them out, the girls are out, we love the chemistry

We making money fück the guns we no want no enemy

Come make we do this till the morning until it touch dawn

Link up with me, all enemies www.eliterics.com


Put your lighters up

Get high with me, fly with me

Ain’t no dividing us

East Side, West Side

North Side, South Side unified

Come on and ride with us

Put your lighters up

Get high with me, fly with me

Ain’t no dividing us

East Side, West Side

North Side, South Side unified, ah

{Snoop Lion}

Ay! Ain’t no dividing us we choose the destiny

And we don’t need no negative to get the best of me yeah

Love and unity alone can get to me or if a girl need me

So if you know a lot of love we spread put your light up

Feel a better day if you try and get a brighter love

Ghetto youths stop the war make no shots no more

Pack your bag don’t make them boss it up, yea


Put your lighters up

Get high with me, fly with me

Ain’t no dividing us

East Side, West Side

North Side, South Side unified

Come on and ride with us

Put your lighters up

Get high with me, fly with me

Ain’t no dividing us

East Side, West Side

North Side, South Side unified, ah


Hey, together make the cheddar

Show love to one another

Every man fit live thy brother

Unity is the strength that will make it better

Help a brother up the ladder

Loving every country

Snoop Dog and Popcaan

Them done get the vision

So we all can live in a one fun division

Go spread the news pon the television

Put up your lighter and wave ya hands, so


Put your lighters up

Get high with me, fly with me

Ain’t no dividing us

East Side, West Side

North Side, South Side unified

Come on and ride with us

Put your lighters up

Get high with me, fly with me

Ain’t no dividing us

East Side, West Side

North Side, South Side unified, ah


This one is about unity you know

Gully God Snoop Dogg


▲北捷公司站務處處長楊秦恒說明指標編號作業。(圖/記者王苡嫣攝 2016.04.11)
台北捷運目前有117個車站,北捷公司統計,包括路網圖、月台車站站名、月台營運路線等,總計共有3萬處指標需要更換,初估需花費3千萬元,目前已完成初步設計,近期收齊相關意見後就會報請北市府核定,預計施工期為8個月,若市府核定順利通過,預計明年8月前可完工。 其他推薦文章

台長: yvonne23880
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