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2012-01-29 14:42:13
2011-06-12 09:26:49
2011-05-30 10:20:16
2011-02-07 21:54:30
2010-05-23 16:19:50
2012-01-29 14:42:13

Singularity (三十一): The Existence

Mother nature, Wonderland. (byjacquelinem@rtinez)56A girl in the windComposing her slim figure.She, without a second thought,Reaches the hand of the boy.A boy in the windDelighting on his very first a...

2011-06-12 09:26:49

Singularity (三十): i thought i was free (2)

The Dead of Night(The Vietnam War Memorial, byScott Ableman)55Walking in the woodsRipened with wordsOverwhelmed me withThe divine asymmetry.Until it dawned on meThat it takes momentaryCuriosity of dar...

2011-05-30 10:20:16

Singularity (二十九): i thought i was free (1)

Pan.101 (Nature photographer .Shenandoah National Park)54Walking into Nature isInevitable as one feelsUnidentified, consumedAnd inhumanly city-bound.Until it dawned on meThat the meager warmthAnd the ...

2011-02-27 21:00:04

Singularity (二十八): An Elegy (or Lavender)

Sunset (by black_z)53.To LH, a friend and Japan.The evanescent brillianceIs never as indifferent as ifThe global cycle of mortalityIs but another told mysteryMocking human frailty.Was AL falling in su...

2011-02-07 21:54:30

Singularity (二十七): 光影

Brand New Green (ByAntoinette vd Rieth)52.靜默於不可見與可見的霞光裡有種全能的天真無私地迎著黑夜輾轉在無盡與有盡的時序中有雙蒼老的手捧著靈魂的曙光

2010-08-02 02:22:33

Singularity (二十六): 藍

Pre-Sunrise Reflection (dfallis)。51.那沈寂的藍色水域乍現霧散後的風景心忘了 霧是真實的藏青灰藍 也是真的是染毒的雙眼勾勒霧中的藍 掙脫姿態喑啞沈默的口 拼貼 引吭自他域的遺忘每每舞動繁複排比散霧後卻偉然無...

2010-07-25 21:44:37

Singularity (二十五): 金

The Evening Star (Kansas Poetry - Patrick) 50.暈開的金黃 駝得低低的低低地 悶了一個春天的氣哽咽著 無法風乾的離緒準備以快板 向山巒傾訴其嘆息清冷 萬物驚恐屏息靜候初夏時分的一場別離簌簌的淚 落在詩人之戀裡...

2010-06-07 00:07:58

Singularity (二十四): 灰

東海大學 (byepimsr_Gin)49.那夏陽稱職地逼視這一季未褪去的灰風乾顆顆微溼的心教人人放心地棄守藏在密碼後的卑微與面對天意的眇小

2010-05-23 16:19:50

Singularity (二十三): 紅

東海 (William Tsao)48.一樹殷紅 響了滿地離絮烏雀三兩 啼不止的歸心折返於雙手合十信仰旁每個逃逸主體 必然心慌

2010-04-22 12:14:01

Singularity (二十二): 月光

Tokoy Sonata (KiyoshiKurosowa)47. 獻給我的母親 就這麼從方寸燃燒起來不能被詮釋的憤怒火焰剎那焦黑了金黃的世界欲望於是離散無光荒野倘若以自我為軸的流放徒使斑駁肉身逆日獨行而不明死生的任性沈淪何能鍛鍊失去肌...

2010-02-19 00:03:36

Singularity (二十一):等待

Timeless Journey (M.L©Qtr)46.一段未完的旅程此生 行如使徒再探人間朝塵夕霧然內心虔靜 定若大山仗的是 數載輪迴的扶持念記那 並肩的熱情彷彿過往劫難 方消散於前個越嶺跋涉的冬夜信仰峰前 我們竟潰敗於疑念腳下 含...

2010-01-16 17:30:33

Singularity (二十):褶

Folds in Space #77 - Homage to Georgia O'Keefe (Rein Nomm)45.拂曉 自時空間隙折返我凝望 揚於指間的過往躊躇在兩個維度的交疊失重地 朝太陽喧囂 煙滅靜候下個短暫且永恆的褶將我捲入愛麗絲的夢遊如字的輕慢 排列...

2010-01-01 20:35:06

Singularity (十九): I Hide Myself

フリージア (Freesia)44.An etude dedicated toEmily Dickinson(December 10, 1830 – May 15, 1886)and John Keats(31 October 1795 – 23 February 1821)I hide myself in silenceWhere the ever naughtMocks the ...

2009-09-14 10:38:15

Singularity (十八): The Road

43. 獻給天上的父親 握你的手 我入了迷指尖不停洩漏秘密任由無以控制的情節在寂靜夜裡跌宕密語我亦步亦趨細細思量這不尋常的溫柔牽引啊 我聽見彼端的呼喚這段末路已危機四伏再一步即踏入閻黑裡你我各一方 瘖啞失語微...

2009-03-01 23:57:17

Etude 6: In Air Clear and Unseen

圖: ...Sacred Silence... (Marcin Mazurkiewicz)42In Air Clear and Unseen在清澈而觸不到的天空Of longing born, a past love’s madness,誕生了一股渴望逝去愛戀的瘋,Dull pain and languor my hear fill.我心滿...

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