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【2019熱門商品】Britax R-mer 儿童推- SMILE 2,含Hard Carrycot 儿童推-睡- 非逛不可哪裡買

這幾天小光來我家玩,看到Britax R?mer 儿童推? SMILE 2,含Hard Carrycot 儿童推?睡?


急性子的小光卻要我馬上陪他去買Britax R?mer 儿童推? SMILE 2,含Hard Carrycot 儿童推?睡?


雖然懶惰,但精打細算的我還是查了一下Britax R?mer 儿童推? SMILE 2,含Hard Carrycot 儿童推?睡?



Britax R?mer 儿童推? SMILE 2,含Hard Carrycot 儿童推?睡?










Britax Römer SMILE 2 incl. Hard Carrycot 設計式樣: Blue Denim · 2019

The entire set of the Britax pushchair SMILE 2 incl. Hard Carrycot is suitable for new-borns and toddlers up to 3 years (17 kg).

Items of delivery:

  • Britax SMILE 2 incl. Seat Unit

  • Britax Hard Carrycot

Offering the benefit of being both slender and manoeuvrable the Britax Römer SMILE 2 performs on all terrain easily. Big air filled wheels as well as a central suspension provide riding comfort for your child on all routes. From the first day on the Hard Carrycot provides a safe and secure place to sleep for your child. Due to the integrated click & go system it can easily be attached to the frame.

Your child can use the spacious seat unit of the Britax SMILE 2 from about 6 months onwards. Due to a five-point harness and a protection bar your little one is kept safe from dropping out. The choice for your child to face you or view the world is provided by the fully reversible seat unit. Furthermore, they can rest in the comfortable seat with its multiply adjustable backrest and footrest.

The large canopy protects your child whatever the weather. With the integrated viewing panel, you can always keep an eye on your little one. An additional sun shield and the UPF 50+ sun screen protect your child on summer days.

The stroller comes with an extra-large bag for mummy's everyday convenience. It has also been built with enough storage to accommodate all of your and your child's needs. The reflective 3M-Scotchlite stripes increase high visibility for you and your child and provide safety even when you are out and about in the dark.

The handlebar is soft padded and can be adapted to the height of the driver, so that everyone can enjoy driving the colourful Britax SMILE 2.

Due to the folding mechanism the lightweight aluminium frame can easily be put together and leaves a compact package that fits in almost every car boot.

Product details Britax pushchair SMILE 2:

  • Available in various designs

  • Items delivered: frame with seat unit

  • Utilisable as travel-system with integrated click & go adapter for Britax Carrycot or Baby Seat (not included in delivery!)

  • Height-adjustable sliding handle, 83 - 133 cm, soft padded handlebar

  • Multiply adjustable backrest and footrest
  • 哪裡便宜熱銷

  • Automatic folding system

  • Reversible seat unit

  • Wheels: lockable swivel-type front wheels Ø 19cm, rear wheels Ø 28 cm, breakdown-proof, lightweight, removable

  • Adjustable canopy with sun shield and viewing panel, sun protection UV 50+

  • Weight: entire product 13 kg, frame and wheels 8,9 kg

  • Measures: open 105 x 57 x 100 cm, closed with seat unit 38 x 57 x 89 cm, frame 34 x 57 x 85 cm

Product details Hard Carrycot:

  • Sold in various colours suitable for the Britax stroller

  • Incl. soft mattress for your baby's comfort

  • Measures (w x d): 28 - 32 x 75 cm




Britax R?mer 儿童推? SMILE 2,含Hard Carrycot 儿童推?睡?





NBA》雷納德始終不連續出賽 76人25分差扳倒東區龍頭

多倫多暴龍昨天才主場以126-110痛宰克里夫蘭騎士,比賽結束後,他們隨即上飛機來到費城,今天背靠背出戰76人,這是暴龍本季第6次的背靠背連續比賽,而這6次二連戰的第2場比賽,「可愛」雷納徳(Kawhi Leonard)始終沒有打過任何一場,因此,今天暴龍在缺少主力的情況下,自然是被76人壓著打,最後暴龍以105-126輸球,吞下本季第10敗。

儘管雷納徳昨天才拿下賽季新高的37分,但保險起見暴龍球團始終不讓他連續兩天出賽,不過總教練納斯(Nick Nurse)今天也釋出一些好消息,他表示雷納徳從下個月起應該就能開始正常出賽了,今天暴龍全隊只有席亞康(Pascal Siakam)和主控洛瑞(Kyle Lowry)表現稍微正常,分別拿下26分及20分。

至於今天76人能扳倒東區龍頭的關鍵,當然非先發安比德(Joel Embiid)、西蒙斯(Ben Simmons)和瑞迪克(J.J. Redick)莫屬,3人分別拿下27分11籃板、26分12籃板8助攻和22分5助攻,搭配柯爾克瑪茲(Furkan Korkmaz)16分以及巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)的12分,76人順利贏球。

在今天賽前,76人總管布蘭德(Elton Brand)被問到2017年狀元郎佛爾茲(Markelle Fultz)本季是否會重返球場時,布蘭德表示自己也不能確定,他希望在未來幾周能更新佛爾茲的狀況。




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● NBA》招募行動開始?! 詹姆斯和戴維斯賽後共進晚餐

杜蘭特投進致勝三分球 勇士險勝獨行俠
喬治連兩場拿43分 率領雷霆拿下四連勝
巫師太陽三度延長 寫下近十年比數紀錄
唐西奇持續進化 最佳新人不是上限


大學校長聘書典禮 2新聘3續聘





Britax R?mer 儿童推? SMILE 2,含Hard Carrycot 儿童推?睡?

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