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【滿額免運】Nike Air Max 270 - 12450742 好康報報特賣會

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感受大型 AIR 氣墊

Nike Air Max 270 女鞋的設計靈感源自於兩款具備大型 Air 氣墊的鞋款:Air Max 180 和 Air Max 93。這款鞋採用了 Nike 最大型的鞋跟 Air 氣墊,具有和外觀同樣無與倫比的柔軟著感。


這款鞋的襪襯構造貼合腳掌,但也能隨足部活動伸縮; 純色網布區域則提供適切到位的結構機能和透氣機能。


雙重密度泡棉鞋底和大型 Max Air 鞋跟氣墊實現柔軟緩震的穿著體驗,讓你天天舒適,輕鬆無拘。


  • 針織鞋面與無縫膠膜設計,提供絕佳舒適度與支撐力
  • 不對稱鞋帶,穩固貼合
  • 跟部拉帶設計,穿脫容易
  • 前足採用純色橡膠外底,鞋跟則使用透明橡膠
  • 顯示顏色: 黑色/Light Bone/Platinum Tint/Light Bone
  • 款式: AH6789-010
  • 原產國/地區: 越南

  • Nike Air Max 緣起

    1978 年時,Nike 的革命性 Air-Sole 氣墊成為 Nike 鞋款中的一部分。1987 年推出的 Nike Air Max 1,後跟位置的氣墊首次外露亮相,讓粉絲不只能感覺到 Air-Sole 的舒適,而是可以親眼見到它了。自此而後,新一代的 Nike Air Max 鞋款都因大膽亮眼的顏色與可靠輕盈的緩震效果,深受運動員與收藏家的青睞。

    訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務

    • 標準運送的商品可於 2-6 個工作天內送達
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    • 標準運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達
    • 快遞運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達

    訂單皆於星期一至星期五之間處理與寄送 (國定假日除外)

    NikePlus 會員可享免費退貨退貨政策例外情況

    3.7 顆星

    Pretty colorway options

    staceys471585672 - Jan 02, 2019

    I have 4 pairs. Yes they're hard to get on my feet but a shoehorn quickly fixed that issue! They've held up so far. The quality control process should be more intense simply because of the cost; shoes shouldn't come out of the box scuffed. I think they run a half size small. Overall though, I love the shoes and will continue to buy them.

    Saddness, Won't Be Wearing The 270s

    jadyx - Dec 27, 2018

    In seeing these shoes I ordered both my wife and I a pair immediately as they looked amazing. However, upon receiving the shoes neither one of use could hardly get the shoes on as they felt to be at least a full size too small, my wife never managed to get a shoe on, I finally squeezed into one and it was way too small. I did read about the entry into the shoe being snug, but snug shouldn't mean impossible to get on. For the record I have ordered numerous pairs of Nike shoes for the last 15 years on Nike.com and always order the same size for both of us and without fail Nike shoes have always fit perfectly so it was sad to get these and not be able to get them on our feet. In fact in this same order, I ordered a second pair of shoes for myself "different model" and it fit perfect as usual. I did call Nike and they provided exceptional customer service "always" and these sadly are being returned for full refund, Nike has unmatched customer service! We opted to refund instead of playing a game of buy a different size to see if it will fit, thought is that all other shoes have fit at our normal size so these should also. Sad day as we won't be wearing the 270s :(.

    Sneaker Girl

    AudrieL906829066 - Dec 16, 2018

    Love them and they are so cute but... to hard to get them on! I rarely wear them. Disappointed.





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    中央社記者楊思瑞攝 107年11月11日

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