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【時尚商品介紹】[106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Mo...


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[106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor這麼搶手,不過相信還有人不知道在這裡就能買的到[106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor秒殺








Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 – The Original Electromagnetic Clipper with V9000 Motor – Great for Barbers and Stylists – Perfect for..

About the product

PROFESSIONAL PRECISION: From Wahl Professional’s commercial grade line of products, the Senior Clipper is intended for professional use only and is designed to deliver the sharp performance that experts demand.

STYLISH AND FUNCTIONAL: The Senior Clipper is the original electromagnetic clipper. Tried and true, it is equipped with a V9000 motor that runs cooler and faster than a standard clipper, making it perfect for heavy-duty cutting, tapering, fades, and blends without the risk of overheating. It comes in a durable metal housing that feels great in the hand and offers superior comfort and control.

ACCESSORIES INCLUDED: For your convenience, the Senior Clipper comes with all accessories required for use. Package includes the clipper, (3) attachment combs, oil, cleaning brush, instructions, and a red blade guard.

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: The Senior Clipper (#8500) measures 6.5” long and weighs 1 lb. 3 oz. This product features an 8-foot, professional grade, chemical resistant cord and features a #1005 blade, V9000 electromagnetic motor, and operates at 120 volts/60 hertz. For sale in the USA only.

PLEASE NOTE: Wahl Professional Products purchased from this authorized dealer feature a manufacturer’s warranty, which is not available from unauthorized dealers.

Product description

From Wahl Professional’s commercial grade line of products, the Senior Clipper is intended for professional use only and is designed to deliver the sharp performance that experts demand. The Senior Clipper is the original electromagnetic clipper. Tried and true, it is equipped with a V9000 motor that runs cooler and faster than a standard clipper, making it perfect for heavy-duty cutting, tapering, fades, and blends without the risk of overheating. It comes in a durable metal housing that feels great in the hand and offers superior comfort and control. For your convenience, the Senior Clipper comes with all accessories required for use. Package includes the clipper, (3) attachment combs, oil, cleaning brush, instructions, and a red blade guard. The Senior Clipper (#8500) measures 6.5” long and weighs 1 lb. 3 oz. This product features an 8-foot, professional grade, chemical resistant cord and features a #1005 blade, V9000 electromagnetic motor, and operates at 120 volts/60 hertz. Leo J. Wahl invented the first hand-held electric clipper back in 1919. He believed in necessary, reasonably priced products that enhanced the lives of everyone who used them. Today, all Wahl products embrace the principles of our founder. We offer reliable, value-priced devices and solutions that protect skin and hair while performing on all skin and hair types.

Product details

折扣優惠 Product Dimensions: 2.5 x 2 x 7 inches ; 1.3 pounds

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds


UPC: 885406947995 887409781941 043917850009 072874404406 882169848743 880147593173 884941179953 799665011512 885488152157 741655022688 887108025339 632181533246

Item model number: 8500




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NBA/曾跟老哥同穿一雙鞋 希臘怪胎終擁有簽名鞋款


大安沙雕季 看大師秀身手



: 華裔學生比例過半的曼哈頓下東城高中(Lower East Side Preparatory HS)25日舉辦畢業典禮,有鑑於年輕人每天耗費許多時間在手機上,校長阿那亞(Rene Anaya致詞時勉勵學生,很多東西轉瞬即逝,年輕人應該把手機放在旁邊,多多把握發生在身旁和當下的事物。



畢業典禮還邀請資深圖像設計師Martin Medina演講。他鼓勵學生不要被社會的標準限制,應該要抱持著遠大的夢想,相信自己可以,並努力朝著夢想前進。

應屆畢業生第一名的華裔學生張紫姍致詞時也鼓勵同儕,不要被社會的刻板印象侷限自己的出路。兩年才從中國移民來美的她,以前對科學很感興趣,但因為社會的刻板印象和家人的遊說,她選擇「多數女孩子念」的文科。但來美後,她堅持夢想,終於被麥迪遜威斯康辛大學(University of Wisconsin-Madison)的化學工程系錄取。


[106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor 推薦, [106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor 討論, [106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor 部落客, [106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor 比較評比, [106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor 使用評比, [106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor 開箱文, [106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor?推薦, [106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor 評測文, [106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor CP值, [106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor 評鑑大隊, [106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor 部落客推薦, [106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor 好用嗎?, [106美國直購] 理髮器 Wahl Professional Senior Clipper 8500 The Original Electromagnetic Clipper V9000 Motor 去哪買?

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