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2004-04-21 13:25:22| 人氣106| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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人生在世爭名利 今日爭得明日無 何必在意名利心 百仟萬億帶不走

徒留金錢子孫鬥 在世爲富死成貧 何人為我做喪禮 幽幽冥冥歸黃土

至今方知子不孝 爲錢爲銀不為我 金銀死後帶不走 徒有業障在身旁

人生在世有皮囊 死後卻成一身骨 何人代我成白骨 恐無他人願代之

閻王筆下判罪行 陽世子孫難代罪 哀哀呼呼無人知 回想在世愚昧行

今日落得此罪身 本有時光來反省 卻因子孫來煩憂 早早修行免受罪

觀之眾生不尋心 將來恐難閻王判 在世績業換主人 無人為你消罪業

The life contends for the fame and wealth to contend for today in a life time the tomorrow has no to care the fame and wealth heart why the need for 100 the trillions of 仟 bring not to walk

Does the 徒 stay the money descendant 鬥 in a life time?The rich dead becomes poor who to do the funeral service 幽 hell night to return the loess for me

Up to now square know that the son is not filial?Money?The silver does not bring after dying for my gold and silver not walk the 徒 has the obstacle by the side of body

The life is after a life time have skin bag die but become a body bone who's generation I become the bones to have no others wish generation perhaps of

King's style of writing of 閻 judges the criminal acts sun is a descendant an offense 哀哀 to shout no man to know to remember to go in a life time fatuity

Come to this offense body today this sometimes light to examine oneself but factor come to vexed sorrow to practice moral teachings to do not need to suffer mental agony early early

The myriad living things of the view does not look for the heart perhaps difficult 閻 WANG2 PAN4 changes host's no man into in a life time 績 industry in the future you eliminate the offense industry

台長: 戀雲
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

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