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2013-09-29 19:05:15
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2020-11-13 18:40:18


Shall please read these books once a while, you shall know another sky which is art as well. 仔細閱讀許教授的每本出版品,覺得證辨科學且文字流暢細膩禁得起讀者提問考驗之外,我也找不到瑕疵或問題, 篇章分類與...

2020-11-13 18:23:55


Really like her voice and her article, also received photos that her husband gave every so often. Just know there's a new book publised as underneath, (not yet read but share in advance) via Youtube...

2020-11-13 18:18:53

罪行海洋Outlaw Ocean

11月6日下午12:27 · 分享對象:公開 Already finished this book, search the film on line and found this. Outlaw Ocean罪行海洋. Started w...

2020-11-13 10:46:49


Share films on youtube that we are not able to do further for our alga reefs and environment now. Somehow, we could still trying to find a way to balance.....for next generations, indeed. S...

2020-11-11 16:14:03


Supposed they will publish related articles about our coast line in Taoyuan, Taiwan soon. They just make all this in 90 minutes, if there's any inquiry, please feel free to contact with them. w/ Chiec...

2020-11-11 09:59:19


Found a new book and join them to read and write, actually I followed the writer #黃徙 's facebook to read for a while ever since. Knowing their great pieces and nice relationship, appreciated indeed....

2020-11-10 12:46:37


Join them to speak loud for alga reefs, especially alga reefs in Datan, Taoyuan. Which is the 117th times to talk in public, I'm supposed. Here's a film I just got,https://www.facebook.com/Taoyuanalga...

2020-11-10 12:28:03


拾獲失物也太頻繁了這十年 Vera Pon 5分鐘· 分享對象:公開 拾獲育達科技大學學生證悠遊卡姚oo同學自己來認領吧~ Vera P...

2020-11-09 12:40:13


It's an honor to follow Dr. JamesHsu and Dr. FongYang since several years ago. From Taipei, Taiwan to Toronto, Canada and then back to Taipei,Taiwan. Appreciated to those pictures, articles and books ...

2020-11-09 12:31:11

1107&1108 走讀巷弄

#大佛頂手楞嚴經#華嚴經#維摩詰所說經固然完讀但確實難度很高且廢思量謝謝聖嚴師父 & Jeffrey.Walked to be there in the early morning on Nov 07th and stayed two days for the sutras. 人生實苦經派系清洗公...

2020-11-06 18:12:15


等待成一朵蓮 作詞:陳克華 作曲:李明德 編曲:陳揚 將前世今生的思念都沈澱 你像蓮上的微風一現 掀起我心海裡波濤狂癲 等待成一朵蓮 靜靜伴著你共渡良辰歲月 紅塵滄桑不再染指心間 縱有悲喜也...

2020-11-05 15:35:15


Several news I read about Delta via facebook. 台達 Delta 18 小時· 噶瑪蘭公主光雕秀@蘭陽博物館 台達高流明投影精采呈現!只到十一月底 ...

2020-11-05 15:21:30


Just know this a few minutes ago, check it out please. 中壢五號倉庫藝文基地 參加 壢史的歲月痕跡:中壢學 【研討會徵稿啟示】 ──在 中壢區 。 11月2日下午8:26· ...

2020-11-05 09:57:59


Cannot say anything but read and worry only. 離岸風電邁入第三階段 一張圖看完候選風場 2020-10-30 焦點事件記者王子豪報導台灣離岸風電已經過示範、潛力兩階段,即將邁入第三階段。政...

2020-11-05 09:52:59

人類遷徙Origin People Moving

(continuing) I'm supposed it, 3,000~4,000years ago, could have 1) a better temperature and weather change for ocean, different vision from recent 100years. 2) People sailing on the sea knowing mutual ...

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