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【限時商品購買優惠】CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size 超人氣商品挖好康


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Cybex Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size省錢達人精選優惠 設計式樣: Urban Black/black · 2019

The Cybex Sirona M2 i-Size grows with your child and corresponds with the new European requirements and regulations for child safety seats ECE R-129, also called "i-Size". The new SensorSafe technology provides an outstanding level of safety for your little passenger - children have never been safer when traveling by car.

Group / weight category:

  • Suitable from birth up to a height of 105 cm

  • Age suitability: from birth up to approx. 4 years (max. 19 kg)

Corresponds to standard:

  • ECE R-129 (i-Size)

The Sirona M2 i-Size can only be installed in your car by using the Cybex Base M i-Size.

The technology of the future finds its way into the world of child safety seats - the built-in SensorSafe keeps small passengers safe on every ride in the car. Connected via an app in the smartphone, you will be alerted immediately if your child unbuckled himself during the ride or if the back seat has become too warm or too cold. If the trip takes too long and your child already spent a long time in the car seat, you will be alerted and can allow yourself and your little one to have a break and relax. This state-of-the-art safety technology限量不等人的超人氣產品 also ensures that you never accidentally leave your small passenger alone in the vehicle. The alarm sounds as soon as your child is still in the child safety seat after turning off the engine. The easy-to-use app simplifies operation - with the built-in SensorSafe, Cybex provides you with a unique safety component for children in the car.

The Cybex Sirona M2 i-Size allows you to transport your child in a rear-facing mode from birth up to a height of 105 cm. The seat can also be used in a forward-facing mode which is suitable for children who have reached 16 months of life and a height of 76 cm and taller. The Click-in systems makes it easy to change the car seat's driving direction.

The built-in linear side-impact protectors fold out on the door side of the car seat and increase the level of safety in the event of a side impact. In combination with the head and shoulder protectors, the L.S.P. system reduces the force of a side impact. Furthermore, installing the car seat in a rear-facing mode reduces the risk of injury in case of a head-on collision considerably.

The new, elaborate design provides even taller children with plenty of leg room to sit comfortably. The購物特賣 12-position height-adjustable headrest with integrated belt positioner grows with your child while magnetic belt holders make is super easy for you to put your child into the seat and lift him/ her out of it again. Always in the right position - when the seat is installed in a rear-facing mode, its seating and lying position can be adjusted in 5 different positions; when used in a forward-facing mode they can be adjusted in 3 positions.


  • Rear-facing child car seat suitable from birth up to an age of approx. 4 years

  • Including SensorSafe, app via smartphone, Android and IOS

  • Installation only via Isofix anchor points in the car and Cybex Base M i-size

  • Rear-facing mode: from birth up to body height of 105 cm

  • Forward-facing mode: 76 - 105 cm

  • Minimised risk of injury in case of a side impact

  • L.S.P.-System - linear side impact protectors reduce the force of a side impact

  • Seating and recline positions can be adjusted single-handedly (rear-facing mode: 5 positions; forward-facing mode: 3 positions)

  • Headrest can be adjusted in 12 different levels

  • Magnetic belt holders make it easy to get in and out of the seat

  • Cover can be machine washed at 30°C

  • Dimensions: L 72 cm x W 44 cm x H 66 cm

  • Weight: 14 kg

  • Developed and designed in Germany




CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size





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CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size

推薦, CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size

討論, CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size

部落客, CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size

比較評比, CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size

使用評比, CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size

開箱文, CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size

?推薦, CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size

評測文, CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size

CP值, CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size

評鑑大隊, CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size

部落客推薦, CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size

好用嗎?, CYBEX Child Car Seat Sirona M2 i-Size including SensorSafe and Base M i-Size


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