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【團購】Maxi-Cosi 邁可適 Rock 嬰兒提籃包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座 2018流行產品網路熱銷產品

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Maxi-Cosi 邁可適 Rock 嬰兒提籃包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座經典產品熱賣產品



Maxi-Cosi 邁可適 Rock 嬰兒提籃包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座










Maxi-Cosi Infant Car Seat Rock including FamilyFix One i-Size 設計式樣: Nomad Black · 2019

The infant car seat Rock is Maxi-Cosi's second i-Size infant car seat on the market. The Rock conforms to the latest safety standards and is suitable for your little passenger with a body height of 45 cm to 75 cm. This convenient set also includes the matching base FamilyFix One i-Size.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 0+

  • Suitable for babies with a body height of 45 cm to 75 cm

Conforms to the norm:

  • I-Size (R129)

Together with the base Maxi-Cosi's infant car seat Rock is to be attached to your car in a rear-facing mode only. Due to the particularly easy to use Click-and-Go installation, the i-Size norm is maintained. A visual and acoustic signal confirms the correct installation and thus reduces the risk of misuse and incorrect installation.

For your little one's first couple of weeks and months you can use the cuddly seat insert which embraces your child and provides a better recline position and additional protection. The soft padding supplies your child with maximum comfort. Innovative shock-absorbing materials on the upper side wings provide more security in the event on a side impact. A five-point harness with soft pads protects your little one securely right from the very first day. The sun canopy is perfect for offering your child some more privacy and a shady spot.

In combination with the FamilyFix One i-Size concept, Maxi-Cosi offers a remarkable trio that provides maximum safety. Part of this concept is the infant car seat Rock, the car seat Pearl One i-Size (not included in delivery!) and the base FamilyFix One i-Size. According to the i-Size norm, driving in a rear-facing mode is mandatory for babies and infants. By means of latest research results, strict safety criteria with an improved protection in case of a side and frontal impact are taken into account.

That is why, we recommend you to use a rear-facing child safety seat such as the Maxi-Cosi Pearl One i-Size following the infant car seat Rock.

Details of infant car seat Rock:

  • Group 0+/ body height of 45 to 75 cm

  • Norm: i-Size/ R129精選優惠專區

  • Installation via FamilyFix One i-Size or with car's own seat belt

  • Installation in rear-facing mode

  • Part of the FamilyFix One i-Size concept

  • Including seat insert and sun canopy

  • Three-point harness

  • Side Protection System, shock-absorbing materials

  • Certified and approved for being used on an airplane

  • Dimensions: W 44 x D 67 x H 37.5 - 56 cm

  • 過年送禮推薦2018流行商品
  • Weight: 3.9 kg

  • Made in Europe

Details of FamilyFix One i-Size:

  • Compatible with Maxi Cosi infant car seat Rock and Maxi Cosi child car seat Pearl One i-Size

  • Part of the FamilyFix One i-Size concept

  • For driving in a rear-facing mode form birth up to an age of 4 years

  • Visual and acoustic signal confirms correct installation

  • Dimensions: 69 x 65.5 - 91.5 x 35.5 cm

  • Weight: 8.35 kg




Maxi-Cosi 邁可適 Rock 嬰兒提籃包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座





NFL/偶數年超威 牛仔國東5年3封王


牛仔隊周日在主場迎戰海盜,美國之隊靠著四分衛普瑞斯考特(Dak Prescott)2達陣(1跑1傳)和防守線衛史密斯(Jaylon Smith)拾獲掉球後、69碼達陣得分,以27:20擊退海盜,拿下5季以來的第3座國東冠軍。

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Maxi-Cosi 邁可適 Rock 嬰兒提籃包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

推薦, Maxi-Cosi 邁可適 Rock 嬰兒提籃包含FamilyFix One i-Size底座

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