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2011-10-31 21:36:34| 人氣340| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Comprehensive nuclear waste廢核

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核三發電廠                  核四發電廠/龍門發電廠

我們手邊已經取得可以供給「農」、「工」、「商」使用之「水循環發電系統」,國家專利,往後「真的」可以完全取消有「核爆傷害」之「核能發電」及「煙塵毒害」之「火力發電」。該系統不用電源「不需要一直供水」「只要補充蒸發掉的水」,所以其使用範圍「無遠弗界」、「運水前往即可」,設備簡單 / 投資低廉 / 四 ~ 六個月回本,即將展開「對外接單」是「革命性發電系統」,可以提早「全面廢核」向全民背書,保證全年無休
~ 本人在此聲明 ~ 絕非戲言。


We can supply hand has made, "Agriculture", "Engineering", "commercial" use of the "water cycle power generation system", the national patent, the subsequent "real" can completely cancel the "nuclear explosion damage" of the "nuclear power" and "smoke poisoning "of the" thermal. "The system does not power "do not have water," "Just add water evaporate", so its use is "far and wide circles," "carrying water to the can", simple equipment / investment in low / four - six months back this, about to begin "on the external one" is "revolutionary power system", can advance the "Comprehensive nuclear waste" universal endorsement to ensure year-round - I hereby declare - not a joke.

台長: Michael
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