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【介紹】BeSafe Rear-Facing iZi Modular RF i-Size 網路熱銷產品送禮酒推薦



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BeSafe Rear-Facing iZi Modular RF i-Size 設計式樣: Metallic Mélange · 2019

The BeSafe iZi RF Modular i-Size child car seat can only be used when combined with the BeSafe iZi Modular i-Size Base! Just click the child car seat onto the base and you are ready to go.

Please note: The BeSafe iZi Modular i-Size Base is not included in delivery. For ordering this base please browse the accessories section in our shop!

Unlike its brother, the BeSafe iZi Modular i-Size child car seat, the BeSafe iZi Modular RF i-Size can be used rear-facing only. The rear-facing child car seat complies with the high safety criteria of the R129 standard and performed extremely well in the toughest crash test in the world, the Swedish plus test.

Group/ size:

Conforms to standard:

  • i-Size

The iZi Modular RF i-Size is part of the innovative modular system for child car seats by the manufacturer BeSafe. This 3-in-1 concept consists of an infant car seat and the successor car seat which both use the same base.

With only one hand, you can easily click the BeSafe rear-facing car seat onto the iZi Modular i-Size base. The support foot with visual and acoustic indicator contributes to the correct installation of the base. The special extension mechanism of the base creates ample legroom for your little passenger even when driving in a rear-facing mode. Thanks to its low weight, transferring the car seat from one car into another is particularly easy.

The Isofix installation of this child safety seat system ensures maximum safety. The SIP+ (Side Impact Protection) which is to be attached to the door side of the child car seat, absorbs the energy that occurs in the event of a side impact and guides it away from your child.

A 2-piece seat reducer as well as the headrest that can be adjusted in 10 different levels provide your little one with perfect comfort and the best protection in every stage of their growth. Thanks to the extremely good resting position, your child is supplied with perfect seating comfort - that way, there is nothing standing in the way of a little nap in between times. Your child is fastened properly by using the padded 5-point harness. Thanks to the magnetic belt assistant, your child can be put comfortably in the seat without the straps getting in the way.


  • Rear-facing child car seat for children with a body height of 61 to 105 cm

  • Installation via Isofix base (not included in delivery)

  • Excellent resting position

  • Ample legroom for older children

  • Headrest can be adjusted in 10 levels

  • 2 removable seat reducers

  • Side Impact Protection SIP+ (Side Impact Protection)

  • 5-point harness with magnetic belt assistant

  • Weight: 9.7 kg




BeSafe Rear-Facing iZi Modular RF i-Size





NBA/東區軍備競賽 公鹿換來鵜鶘高砲台

根據ESPN知名NBA記者Adrian Wojnarowski和Zach Lowe聯合報導,準備開始進行重建的鵜鶘,已經將陣中前鋒Nikola Mirotic送到公鹿,換來Jason Smith和Stanley Johnson。

這可視為一筆三方交易,稍早公鹿將蘇丹中鋒Thon Maker送到活塞、換來了前鋒Johnson,後者也成為了這次交易的籌碼之一。而記者Marc Stein則在報導中指出,鵜鶘將會在此交易中得到4個次輪籤。

Mirotic去年在DeMarcus Cousins報銷後,作為其的替代品來到公鹿,靠著「高砲台」的特性成為球隊重要的禁區大將,本季他的三分命中率為36.8%。


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BeSafe Rear-Facing iZi Modular RF i-Size

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